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Basic Strategies for a Bake Sale

Raising money for a good cause is a piece of cake when you follow these few easy strategies for a successful bake sale. These strategies will work for you if you have been asked to bake for your child’s school/scout/soccer/etc. The strategies will also work if you are the organizer and need to plan each detail.

Two to three weeks prior to the event you need to start the publicity. Give your bake sale a name, other than the fifth annual such and such. Be creative with your name. Use the organization’s newsletter to both advertise for customers and for bakers. If your e-mail server allows create a simple e-mail address for the bake sale, which will provide both publicity and an easy way for people to contact you without clogging up your private e-mail address. You should also use sign up lists posted in areas where people will see your posters and sign up to bake or help with the bake sale.

Invite non bakers to be your table staff during the sale. This will give them a chance to participate and not overload other volunteers who are baking. Know your neighborhood. Talk to any local bakery, cookie or bread shop and ask for a donation. Tell them you will place a sign by their bake goods advertising their business.

Most bake sales are for the kids so let them help. The easiest way to involve the children is to have them help bake. While cooking, children learn math, safety in the kitchen, and patience. They will also be part of the fund-raising event and can claim ownership of its success. Aside from the kitchen have the kids make up signs. The brighter and more creative the signs are the better they will be noticed.

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Assign a specific time and place for the baked items to be dropped off. Suggest to the bakers that they have their items displayed and ready for sale. Three cookies thrown in a plastic bag with a twisty tie is not going to sell as fast as if those cookies are arranged on a fancy paper plate, covered and tied with a ribbon.

The items that sell best are chocolate chip cookies. If possible sell them both by the dozen and on those fancy plates of three. The fancy plates will fetch a higher price. The next most popular are brownies, followed by Rice Krispee treats, cup cakes and breads. You can sell the breads whole and by the slice. When selling bread by the slice use the fancy wrapping idea again.

Cakes and pies are difficult to display and look appetizing when cut into individual slices. However, a whole cake or pie will bring you a good price. When recruiting your bakers make certain, they are not making something which will spoil when it sits out for several hours. Have them avoid things like lemon meringue and ice cream cakes.

Be prepared at your selling table. You will need a folding table, a plain tablecloth, change box, utensils for cutting breads and brownies, and a calculator, Have a spray bottle of cleaner and paper towels for any spills. You will also need a supply of fancy paper plates, ribbons, and plastic wrap to dress up those items which need better display. Be prepared to divide platters of cookies and loaves of bread to maximize your profits. Price the items in a competitive manner with those in the local bakery or grocery store.

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Be sure you identify those items that contain peanuts. You might also consider having a special section of gluten free, or vegan items. You can ask someone in your group who has a food allergy in their family if they would like to bake items for this section. Then you can advertise that these items were baked in a peanut or gluten free home.

The bake sale is to raise money for a charity event and the leftovers can be used to benefit a shelter or food bank in your community. By donating the leftovers you are benefitting not one but two good causes. Following these few strategies will assure you have a fun and successful bake sale.