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Bag Balm: What’s it Doing on Your Friend’s Coffee Table?

Bag Balm, Friendships, Table Scraps

You visit your friend to congratulate her on the birth of her new baby and you see a green square can setting on her coffee table. On the lid is a drawing of a cow’s head surrounded by red clover. You pick it up and read “Bag Balm.” It’s used on cow’s udders and teats to heal cuts and prevent chapping. You’re totally confused. Your friend doesn’t live on a farm or own any farm animals. She doesn’t even have a cat or a dog. She lives in an apartment in a big city far away from any farms. What in the world is she doing with something called, “Bag Balm”?

Bag Balm was first introduced in 1899, in Lyndonville, Vermont. The formula was bought in Wells River, Vermont, by John L. Norris from its creator. When Norris became sick, he turn the company over to his son whose interest was in music, but he devoted himself to the company. Today, Bag Balm is the Dairy Association Company, Incorporated’s biggest seller.

Dairy farmers have used the salve ever since its introduction; not only on cows, but on minor injuries to other animals and to heal minor cuts and scraps on themselves and family members.

I was raised on a dairy farm and we did just that. When our hands chapped and cracked in the winter, we put Bag Balm on them. It healed the cracks and soften our hands. If you do this, you need to apply it every night. It works even better if you apply it in the morning as well. We used it on minor cut and scrapes, too.

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Bag Balm, even though it moistens your skin, will dry pimples out within a few days if applied daily.

Although it wasn’t intended for human use, doctors have said there is nothing in Bag Balm that will hurt humans. The news about its healing powers has been passed on from generation to generation. Many people, other than dairy farmers, use it. It has even been reported Shania Twain puts Bag Balm on her face every night and in her hair before she washes it.

Back to your friend. Why would she have Bag Balm? She’s a secretary. Maybe paper cuts? If you thought that, you’d be wrong. Even though it will heal a paper cut, what new moms have discovered over the years is it prevents and heals diaper rash.

So if you visit a friend who has a newborn and you see a little green can of Bag Balm you won’t be confused. You’ll know what your friend is doing with it.