Articles for tag: Animal Farm, George Orwell, Napoleon, Orwell

Animal Farm – an In-Depth Analysis of Overlying Themes

Animal Farm, published in 1956 and written by George Orwell, famous author of other works such as 1984 and Such, Such Were the Joys, is a satirical humorous book depicting an alternate world in which an totalitarian animal society is constructed and led by a tyrannical, curly-tailed dictator. In the setting of an animal farm, ...

Karla News

How Orwell’s Animal Farm Highlights His Belief in Marxist Communism

George Orwell, perhaps one of the greatest writers of the twentieth century, wrote Animal Farm to personify the failures of Stalin’s communism. In this book, Stalin clearly represents the character Napoleon, a pig who ceases power from Snowball’s true principles to bring about his own version of a utopia, which is not a utopia at ...

Karla News

Orwell’s Use of Snowball as a Political Metaphor in Animal Farm

The character of Snowball, a wise pig who takes up the rebellion on the Jones Farm, is perhaps one of the most intriguing characters in George Orwell’s classic novel, Animal Farm. He is depicted as the most intelligent animal on the farm, inspiring the others upon the death of Old Major, a character who represents ...

Animal Farm Book Review

Animal Farm: “All Animals are Equal, but Some are More Equal Than Others” Those in a position of power are also in a position to manipulate. Throughout history, many idealistic political philosophies have suffered upheaval because of leaders who misuse their power. However, the most powerful thing at one’s disposal is language. One of the ...

Karla News

Using Orwell’s Animal Farm to Teach Epitaph Poetry

Teaching Animal Farm to ninth graders is usually one of my favorite tasks as an educator. George Orwell’s novel has many qualities that attract students, especially the idea of rebellion. Overthrowing the current authorities is always a popular idea for teenagers to read about. Students usually relate well with the animal characters, such as the ...

Karla News

Dangers in Animal Farm: Pigs, Tyranny & Oversimplified Ideologies

To say that that Napoleon’s betrayal of the revolution in Orwell’s Animal Farm was inevitable would be unequivocally wrong, as it would pardon all of his tyranny. With this stated, however, it would be equally as wrong to suggest things would have been different if someone else had triumphed in the succession struggle. Simply stated, ...

Karla News

George Orwell’s Animal Farm: This Political Sattirical Allegory

For the first quarter of my sophomore year, I occupied portions of my leisure time by engaging my thought and imagination into reading the amazing political satirical allegory, Animal Farm by the stunning author, George Orwell. This text was published by New American Library and was copyrighted in 1946. It was classified as a fictional ...

Karla News

Review of George Orwell’s Animal Farm

Animal Farm tells the tale of the animals of Manor Farm who are neglected and abused by the farmer; finally reaching their limit the animals rebel and take over the farm, removing their ‘evil’ human masters. As they begin to run the farm, their pride in their achievements and their ability to work together increases ...