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Bad Habits Begin as a Puppy

Raising a Puppy, Table Scraps

If you want your dog not to pick up any bad habits than training must begin when he is a puppy. Whatever you allow him to do as a puppy will carry over into his adult life. From the very first day you bring your puppy home start a routine with your puppy. Animals, especially dogs, are creatures of habit. They become conditioned to the routines you set down for them.

If you walk your dog at a certain time do your best to keep that time. Dogs can not tell time but they get conditioned to a routine and they know when its time to eat, go for a walk, go outside, etc.

Some do’s and don’t’s you need to know when raising a puppy. Teach your dog bad habits and they will be harder to break when they are an adult.

If you don’t want your dog to jump when he is an adult than don’t allow him to do it as a puppy. Gently push him down and say no. No matter what your trying to teach him be consistent. Owning an animal takes commitment and consistency.

If you do not want your dog on the furniture as an adult than make sure not to allow him as a puppy. If he jumps up on the furniture put him on the floor and say no. It takes repetition but he will get the idea.

Do be consistent with feeding times of a puppy. When he is an adult he will remind you when its time to eat. Another point to remember is not to change your dogs food too often from one brand to another. They can turn their nose up if you change brands too often.

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Don’t feed him from the table. This will prompt him hanging around the table at dinner times and consistently begging. If you want to feed your dog table scraps don’t do it from the table. Dogs need their own food to get proper nutritional benefits. Its not a good idea to feed them table scraps all the time. Some of human food can cause works and is too rich for the dogs diet. Some foods could cause him to have diarrhea.

Do be consistent taking him outside. Puppies do need to go out usually after they eat, nap, or play. Since they are puppies they have to go more often. The puppy will eventually get the idea of where he should go. Some owners use paper training as an easy transition to getting him to go outside.

Do make sure to set boundaries for your puppy of where he can go and not go. If there is a part of the house you don’t want him than you can close doors and tell him no.

Do make an area that is his. Put his bedding, water, and food dishes in an area that is his. Some owners have an old chair that is just for the dog. Just don’t let him up on any other furniture. My dog I had growing up was not allowed past the kitchen. You could not force him to go beyond it cause he knew his boundaries.

Remember whatever good or bad habits you teach your dog will carry over into his adult life. So be consistent in what you want to teach him.