Karla News

Avelox: Treatment for Antibiotic Resistant Infections

Bacterial Infections, Respiratory Infections, Upper Respiratory Infections

During the colder winter season, many people begin to suffer from more common cases of upper respiratory infections and sinusitis. This is especially true for adults who care for children exposed to infections in the school environment. For these active adults, finding a powerful antibiotic, to fight infection, is the primary medical focus while ensuring the health does not deteriorate further. When dealing an antibiotic resistant upper respiratory infection of case of sinusitis, discuss the use of Avelox, in the fight against bacterial infections, especially in severe resistant cases.

Avelox, manufactured by Bayer, lends its success as an antibiotic which possesses the properties so desperately needed to find the most difficult of infections. Most commonly, Avelox is used in the treatment of antibiotic resistance bacteria associated with upper respiratory infections, sinusitis, and bronchitis.

Dosing of Avelox, in the treatment of upper respiratory infections, is generally achieved through a capsule form, once per day, at 400 milligrams. The duration of Avelox administration will vary depending on the type and severity of the bacterial infection. Fortunately, medical research has indicated that, in some forms of bacterial treatment, the use of Avelox at other dosing levels may provide the same lasting benefits as that of a standard 400 milligram dose. As a result, when considering the use of Avelox, in the treatment of an antibiotic resistant infection, the dosing recommendation should remain consistent at 400 milligrams per day.

As with all FDA approved medications, Avelox does not come without side effects. While some side effects may be confused with common effects of the bacterial infection, the Avelox user should monitor for more significant changes in the health status. Side effects such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea are common but, again, may be attributed to the bacterial infection it is designed to treat. While these side effects usually dissipate over the course of treatment, if symptoms are persistent, especially in the case of diarrhea which affects approximately 30 percent of the patients using Avelox, consult a healthcare professional immediately as, in rare cases, antibiotic induced diarrhea can lead to life threatening health complications.

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For patients suffering from pre-existing health conditions, the use of Avelox, in the treatment of antibiotic resistant bacterial infections, may not be indicated. Such contraindicated conditions include those with gastrointestinal disorders as well as patients suffering from kidney or liver disorder.

Considered one of the premier antibiotics on the market, Avelox has proven ineffective only in rare cases. For this reason, patients who suffer from frequent bacterial infections should be closely monitored by the prescribing pediatrician to ensure Avelox is providing the remedy and cure other antibiotics failed to provide.

As with any antibiotic treatment, the key to optimal health outcomes lies in the patient’s compliance with dosing and completing the entire dosing, even if symptoms have dissipated. When suffering from a severe bacterial infection, consult your healthcare professional regarding the use of the powerful Bayer antibiotic, Avelox.
