Karla News

Attending Air Force Basic Training Graduation

Congratulations on your airman’s graduation from basic training. Now that they have going through 6 ½ weeks of hard work it has paid off. But now is the big event, graduation events! It can be a stressful time for the family of the airman graduating because some may have no idea what to expect. It is important that you go prepared with knowledge of what to expect.

Graduation events are held every weekend. They run four days, Thursday to Sunday. The actual gradation is on that Friday. But that leave 3 other days of day fulfilling events!

On Thursday morning, make sure you go to the earliest briefing at the BMT Reception Center. After that there is the Airman’s Run. It is where the graduating flights run by singing ‘jodie’s’ in flight formation. This will happen on the road behind the BMT Reception Center. They will run by once and if you missed your airman, don’t worry! They run by again. Bring a banner to show your support for your airman’s flight. This will be the first time you get to see your airman in over a month and a half, but you don’t get to hug them or talk to them yet. That will be later in the day.

Thursday afternoon brings the Retreat Ceremony. This is where the flag is lowered for the day. The pad behind the BMT Reception center is where the Retreat Ceremony is. The graduating flights will be there, in their blues. After the retreat ceremony is over, you will be able to hug your airman for the first time! There is a 5 second rule, so don’t hold on for too long. Be sure to get there early. There will be a chart saying where each flight will stand so you can sit close to them. If you has someone in the band flight, the 323 TRS, sit on the metal bleachers on the side that are uncovered. The ones that run parallel to the road. I was sitting right next to where my husband was standing! They stand right next to these bleachers. You are not able to talk to them, but it is nice to look!

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After the ceremony you are allowed to go see your airman unless they are in the band flight (323 TRS) then you will have to go back to their squadron by the bowling alley. Park in the bowling alley and they will walk across to meet you.

You will have Base Liberty until they have to be back. Make sure you are back to where ever their drop off point is early since they have to walk back to their squadron. Each squadron has a drop off point, make sure you know it. Your airman should know and they will tell you at the briefing at the reception center. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO GO TO THEIR SQUADRON! The only time you can go is during the Open House on Friday.

On Friday is the actual graduation ceremony. Get there early to get a good seat. You can not park at the parade grounds. The best place to park is at the bowling alley and walked across the bridge. It is a nice walk but I wouldn’t want to do it in heels! After the ceremony will be the Open House. If you have an airman not in the 323 TRS they may ride back to the squadron with you. If your airman is in the 323 TRS, go back to the bowling alley and their squadron is across the street. Go to the back of their squadron to the pad there and someone will be there telling you where to go.

At the Open House, you get to see where they have been living for the past 6 ½ weeks! After the open house you have Base Liberty until 2:00pm (1400) then you have Town Pass until they are supposed to back. Their TI (Training Instructor) may have an early time then is posted.

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Your Airman will be HUNGRY! I suggest going to Wal-Mart or other store and getting goodie to keep with you. Cookies, chocolate, soda, chips, their favorite snacks. It will keep you from going broke trying to feed them! There are tons of restaurants around to eat at. On the Riverwalk there are some awesome places to eat!

On Saturday your airman has Town Pass. This is where you airman can go off base with you, the first time in over 6 weeks they have been. In downtown San Antonio,

We went to the Alamo, the wax museum and the Ripley’s Believe It or Not museum. It was very cool! We got ice cream and just walked around. Another note, when you are at the Alamo, there is a hotel next to it with huge gold doors. When I walked by it I got a feeling but didn’t think anything of it. Later on, my sister-in-law and I went to the book store and we were looking at books about San Antonio. The hotel is the most haunted place in San Antonio! Very creepy and cool!

You are only allowed to go a certain distance from the base, but there are a lot of things within that area to do. You can go to Six Flags or Sea World. They sometimes offer a special event your airman can go to. We went to the rodeo. Your Airman can ride with you but must ride back on the bus to base. The plus side of this is you can stay out longer (we were out till 10:00pm!) and it gets them off base. They have to sign up for it early though. They offer things like hockey games, baseball games, concerts, etc.

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On Sunday, your last day with your airman, you have base liberty. If they achieved Honor Flight or Honor Graduate they will have Town Pass on Sunday as well. Enjoy your time with your airman, on Monday they are off to their technical school. The main thing to remember about the entire graduation weekend is anything can change. The TI’s set the rules and curfew. An airman can be recycled up until he leaves for tech school, so don’t help them or let them break the rules.The Riverwalk is one of the most beautiful things I have been to! It is so relaxing walking around looking at the shops. People would come up to my husband and thank him for his service. They are proud of our airman in San Antonio! I suggest going to the BMT Reception center and taking the bus downtown. That way you don’t have to worry about driving through traffic and parking. But it is something you should really go to!