Karla News

As Steve Burton Joins ‘The Young and the Restless’ Many ‘General Hospital’ Fans Become Angry

Soap fans are a loyal bunch. They will follow their favorite soap stars long after they leave their favorite soaps. They will even follow them from soap opera to soap opera. However, soap fans can be angered when they think that a star has lied to them. Many are now feeling this is what soap star Steve Burton has done.

Steve Burton is mostly known for his work on “General Hospital.” He has been playing Jason Quartermaine and Jason Morgan for over 21 years. He and many of his fans have both literally grew up on the show. Today, Steven is a grown man with a wife and children. When he left the show, he stated that one of the main reasons was to move to Tennessee, spend more time with his family and try “other stuff.” By other stuff, fans assumed he meant new projects such as the project he is working on with James Franco and possibly movies. They didn’t think “other stuff” would mean another soap opera.

Yes, fans know that Steve has to make money like any other actor or person. Yet, leaving “General Hospital” for another soap in the eyes of many fans is a betrayal of sorts.

His friendship with Jill Phelps who is currently running “The Young and The Restless” is the main reason for Steve signing with the show. He stated this today on the television show, “The Talk.” He also stated that the show was going to make it possible for him to continue to live in Nashville and commute to L.A. to film. Yet, for many fans these reasons aren’t enough to make them happy.

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Yes, they want to see Steve succeed. If it wasn’t any other type of show on CBS fans would be happy for him. Yet, when there are only four remaining soap operas on daytime television, it is hard for fans to be happy when one of their favorites stars, basically jump ships and join one of their competitors. For this reason, CBS may not be gaining any extra fan base that would normally follow a star as big as Steve Burton.

Now the question is what will become of the Steve’s position in the band, “Port Chuck?” Will fans still want to see him play with the band when he is no longer a true “General Hospital” star?

This writer is currently annoyed with Steve. Yes, she understands he needs to make money, like the rest of us. Yet, she would have rather seen him do this in other ways. After all, GH and the fans of the show did make him the star he is. Loyalty should have its place in the world. What do you think? Will you watch Y&R; just because Steve joined the show? Do you think less of Steve now?



