Karla News

Arrogant Bastard Ale – Beer Review

India Pale Ale

As I’ve grown up and begun to shed many of the mistakes of my youth, I’ve come to realize how many terrible beers I consumed in years past simply because I didn’t know any better. I remember tossing around such phrases as “snob” and “arrogant” when behind the backs of my elders who would shoot me an evil eye when they saw me with a lesser quality ale and reassuring myself I’d never be like them. Fast forward a few years later and I’ve morphed into one of them. Maybe it was against my will, but at this point there’s no turning back. I am an arrogant bastard.

Much to my delight, I’ve discovered a beer that goes right along with my newfound beer persona. The Stone Brewing Company out of San Diego, California is one of the best in the world. Their India Pale Ale is one of my favorites, and the Arrogant Bastard Ale is right up there with it. This is an American Strong Ale, and it’s seriously strong. 7.2% alcohol by volume makes this one sure to knock down even a seasoned beer drinker. Lots of alcohol makes this a good choice for anyone looking to catch a quick buzz, but the taste is the real attraction. It’s like an IPA on overdrive, which loads of hops flavors exploding on the tongue like bombs over Dresden. There is also a presence of sweet malt, which counteracts the intense hops very nicely. Best of all it feels smooth and goes down easily. There is no detectable burn from the alcohol, which I’m really impressed by when I reflect on how high the alcohol content really is.

See also  Commodore Perry IPA - Beer Review

Typically I only find this in a nitro bottle, one of the 22 ounce big guys that sell individually. I’ve seen these for as much as $7 or $8 at my local market, so I have to be selective about when I enjoy this one. Rarely do I recycle a bottle without feeling satisfied by its contents, however. I rarely go after this beer because of the high price, but when I do I know I’m in for a good time.