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Commodore Perry IPA – Beer Review

Beer Festivals, Great Lakes Brewing Company, India Pale Ale

I love a good India Pale Ale. I love it even more when I know that it comes from a brewery who holds tight to values I respect. Over the years I think I have probably tasted hundreds of beers of this style. All of them are unique in their own ways, and it’s rare that I find an India Pale Ale that I flat out dislike. For this reason, I tend to exercise an intense degree of scrutiny when I try new beers of this ilk. It’s not that I’m looking for what bothers me about the beer; it’s that I’m desperately searching for something to set it apart from the rest of the pack. I’m seeking a distinct quality that will help me to remember what made this beer special months or years down the road.

The Great Lakes Brewing Company from Cleveland is well known in that region for bringing quality brews of many styles to the table. These guys seem to be the pride and joy of greater Cleveland. This love extends far beyond the borders of that fair city, however. Ohio is a state with a great degree of homeland love, and the Great Lakes Brewing Company is fortunate to call it home. The residents there are proud to share their local brewery with outsiders, and for good reason. The beers from this company are consistently awarded prestigious medals from international beer festivals. The people seem to agree with the judges, as every time I visit the Midwest I find more people raving about Great Lakes beers.

The Commodore Perry IPA from Great Lakes is one of their most stellar offerings. Here we find an IPA that has true character. Similar to the intense stories associated with the life of the hero of the War of 1812 for which the beer is named, the Commodore Perry IPA will remain in your memory for some time to come. This richly colored ale is beautiful to look at. The head is insanely thick and foams over the edge of the glass with no regard for anything proper or normal. Its 7.5% alcohol content will knock you over and then laugh in your face, much like I suspect Commodore Perry himself did when facing a brutal enemy. Give this beer a try as soon as you can. I promise you’ll like what you find.