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Aries Daily Horoscope 21 March – 19 April

March 19

Aries is the sign of the Ram. The birth stone of Aries is the Diamond. Aries is ruled by Mars. The ruling element of Aries is Fire. What does this mean for a person born between March 21 and April 19?

What Rules Aries

First, Aries is ruled by the sign of the Ram. Aries is very head strong. They are determined in everything they do. They go in head first, trying first to get their point across by brute force. They are extremely sure footed, never losing balance.

Aries are not known for their speed but rather their powerful, step by step, advance in the direction they have already given great thought to. They have great strength, balance, and hidden intelligence; this hidden intelligence often throws off their opponents.

Their birth stone being the diamond shows that Aries are people of class and elegance. Although they are known for being bull headed, strong, and sure footed, they also are able to present themselves with grace and elegance.

Aries is ruled by Mars and the element fire. This presents its self in Aries’ abilities to endure hardships and survive in unfriendly environments with little or no difficulty.

The Nature of Aries

It is advised that one should not attempt to cross an Aries unless one is willing to endure a never ending fight with an opponent that does not tire from head on confrontations.

Aries do have their weaknesses. They are not fast on the foot, and although they are intelligent they will many times lose track of the true cost of a win. They fight straight up and face to face which may cost them when taking on a more cunning opponent.

It is advised that Aries try not to take on battles and causes that may trigger their instinct to battle. Take frequent trips to the mountains and country sides to calm your nerves and relieve tension.

Aries and Love

Although you love the battle you prefer a quiet walk in the wilderness. You are rugged in nature and prefer the same in your mate. You are very capable of loving and protecting your loved ones but you do have a need to be a leader.