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Are Ghosts Fact or Fiction?

Fact or Fiction, Paranormal Investigators

Do ghosts exist only in our imagination or is there something to this seemingly huge phenomenon? People from all types of demographical backgrounds have claimed to have had some type of experience with the paranormal. Is it possible that confused or lost spirits still dwell upon the earth with some sort of unfinished business lingering over their heads?

I think when one begins to try to unravel this mystery and answer the question for themselves, they must first examine their own belief system. For some, the idea of a “ghost” or apparition that remains here among us is a direct contradiction to their religious beliefs. Likewise, for those who ascribe to atheism, it would be their direct lack of a belief in religion that would negate the existence of ghosts in their minds. Maybe the best policy here is to try to remain somewhere in the middle and try to keep and open mind.

In an article written by Kelli Tipton located in the Daily Home online newspaper entitled “Can Ghosts Be Explained Scientifically?” she attempts to offer a scientific explanation for ghostly encounters. She basically explains that a lot of the sounds people claim to hear such as “foot steps” or “tapping noises” that people sometimes associate with ghosts, could in fact be caused from shifting boards or underground occurrences. She says these noises can sometimes frighten people into seeing things that aren’t necessarily there.

In contrast, there are literally millions of people that would refute this type of explanation. There is even a popular show on television called “Ghost Hunters” in which a group of paranormal investigators spend their nights trying to find proof for the existence of ghosts. On a site called About.com there are dozens of first hand accounts written and submitted by every day people that claim to have experience with the paranormal. One such account can be read by an author that goes by the name of Julia in an article entitled “Ghost At The Pool” . One day a mother takes her daughter to a swimming pool and on the way spots a friend of her mother’s and had a brief conversation with her. All of this would be seemingly normal except for the fact that when Julia’s mother told her grandmother about the conversation , she looked at her with a face of confusion and said that she couldn’t have seen her because “she had died a few weeks ago”. You can decide for yourself how much fact or fiction lies in this tale.

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The question of ghosts existing or not isn’t one that can be generally answered as of yet. The scientific community remains steadfast in their belief of a rational explanation while others remain convinced that supernatural presences do remain among us. So until technology advances and allows us a definitive answer one way or the other, we’ll just have to make up our minds for ourselves. The one thing we can be sure of is that with Halloween coming upon us next month, we’re going to see some ghosts and spirits regardless of our personal beliefs.