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Announce Baby’s Arrival with Free, Printable Birth Announcements

Birth Announcements, Photo Birth Announcements, Printable Birth Announcements

The birth of a baby is a joyous occasion that every parent is proud to share. However, with all the excitement happening, finding the perfect birth announcements usually gets put off until the last moment. After all, babies require 100 percent of your attention, and that leaves you with little time. There are several easy options available for new parents that make announcing their newborns birth simple, and stress free like it should be.

What’s a better value then free? New parents need every break they can get, and free birth printable announcements can save you a bundle. Sites such as www.happygreetings.com offers a selection of birth announcements that you can print from home at no cost to you. Another wonderful free printable site to find your birth announcements at is www.ecards.com. Everyone knows that the word “free” means the selection isn’t going to be outstanding, but with several free sites to look through your sure to find the perfect birth announcement. Sites such as www.samplewords.com and www.momsbreak.com might only have a handful of printable birth announcements to choose from but, there still worth taking a peek at.

Just because you choose to use free printable birth announcements, doesn’t mean that they will look cheap, or like you got them for free. The main thing to keep in mind is your paper. The quality of paper you print your birth announcements on will greatly effect how your announcements look. You can find printable card stock paper any place that computer, or craft supplies are sold. You can also use photo paper to print small card size pictures of your new baby.

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Making a photo announcement from you home computer is simple, and inexpensive to do. First you will need to buy 4″ X 5″ photo paper. On the back side of the photo paper print your babies information. You will want to make sure you include your babies full name, birth weight, height, time of birth, place of birth, and their mommy and daddy’s full name. You can also use one of the free announcements above to print onto the back. One the ink is dry, print a photo of the baby on the front of the photo paper. You can find envelopes to fit your birth announcements at any craft supply store, and most office supply stores. You can also find printable photo sticker paper. The small 1″ X 2″ stickers look great with a babies photo printed on them. You can use these little stickers on the back of the envelopes to hold them close. For less the .30 cents each, they add a cute personal touch of love to your birth announcements. These can also be found at craft supply stores, as well as office supply stores.

Printable birth announcements, means money saved! You can save up to 75% by making your own announcements. And saving all that money means you’ll have even more reason to spoil your new bundle of joy with. Making birth announcements is something that siblings can be involved with as well. Consider letting the older sibling(s) help with picking out the announcement, and stuffing them in the envelopes. After all, they need to tell the world that their a big brother or sister. You might also consider adding a photo of the siblings, or even a photo of a sibling holding the new baby.

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