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Analyzing the Movie, Malcolm X by Spike Lee

Ethnocentrism, Malcolm, Malcolm X, Nation of Islam

This Spike Lee film is one of the most dynamic dramatic biographies of the great national leader Malcolm X. Denzel Washington does an excellent job of portraying the inspirational Muslim figure. This movie goes through the life and death of Malcolm X and the trials and triumphs he encountered during his life. The movie starts from Malcolm’s early years as a thief and hustler up until he is assassinated as one of the most powerful African American leaders in American history.

Malcolm X is the main character of this film; other important characters include Betty Shabazz (Malcolm’s wife) and Elijah Muhammad (Leader of the Nation of Islam).

Race and ethnicity is definitely identified in this film. During Malcolm’s early years he found himself trying to imitate the lifestyle of a white man. He would perm his hair in order for it to be straight; he would then date white women and wear fancy clothing to impress the people around him. He was facing an identity problem by rejecting the way that he was naturally. Once Malcolm is caught burglarizing a home and then placed in jail, he befriends a Nation of Islam member who begins to show him the beauty of being African American. Malcolm soon vows to never place perms in his hair or eat pork like the white man. After he is released from prison he begins preaching about the ethnocentrism of the Black race and how it is superior over others. He also begins to preach racism against the White man for the pain and suffering they placed upon the Black man throughout American history. Coming close to the end of the leader’s life he takes the annual pilgrimage to Mecca in order to perform Hajj, one of the pillars of Islam. When he arrives at Mecca he becomes equal with the entire human race, not just the Blacks. He then realizes that Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam were teaching him to hate other people for the color of their skin. This is when he decides to leave the Nation of Islam and become an orthodox Muslim.

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The film presented conflict by showing that racism could not be fought with racism. When Malcolm was young he ended up in trouble with the law because he was trying to be someone he was not. While he was with the Nation of Islam he had to fight with the Whites in order to establish his belief that the African American race was superior over all other races. Once he rejected being a member of the Nation of Islam and accepted the realization that all humans are equal, he soon began to receive threats against his life, he had his home fire bombed with his children inside, and eventually he was assassinated.

I feel that the most important issue of this film was for all people to realize that no one is better than no one else and that all people are equal. It took Malcolm an entire life’s journey to discover the truth.

I think that by watching this film, all races of people can see for themselves how wonderful of a person Malcolm X was. He fought for the freedom of the African Americans and also the abolition of racism against one another.

Yes, I think that this film opens a cultural door for our society. I think that by watching this film, the American society as a whole can see for them selves the great influence Islam has on individuals. They can see a positive side of the religion and lifestyle of a Muslim without the negative propaganda spilled out by the media.

I would definitely recommend this film for any and all to enjoy.

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Malcolm X

1992 Spike Lee, dir. 3hrs. 21min. Warner Brothers.