Karla News

An Effective Workout Routine Has to Be “Challenge” the Body Regularly


Effective workouts have to challenge the body on a regular basis. When my body begins to think it knows what is going to occur, it becomes accustomed and relaxes. There is no challenge. But, when it becomes confused and has to work, when the challenge is there, it works to accommodate the challenge and seems perked up; interested; ready to be tested. When I challenged my body, making it confused, it then uses different dynamics creating a ‘Change.’

Years ago, I discovered I would workout daily and after a few weeks the weight just remained the same. At first, it would come off and I could see the results. I would be able to get into clothes that I had not worn for several months and sometimes even years. However, after several months, it seemed the weight seemed to remain the same. I would lose no weight the clothing would look better, but the weight was not falling off as it did when I first began to workout.

After checking with a few of the people I worked with, I began to consider joining a gym. I had purchased several of the items from the television infomercials and so I had almost a home gym. I appeared all my money was wasted. But after joining Curves, I began to lose a few more pounds and became exceptionally bulky. I began to look like a weight lifer. My arms began to get huge and I looked like a female Arnold Schwarzenegger. This was not the look I wanted. I did not want to look like a bodybuilder. My goal was to look slimmer, well toned with a more defined waistline and generally younger.

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After hurting my neck at curves, I figured it was time to rethink my routine. I stopped attending curves and began to go back to my exercise equipment. I thought “okay, I have purchased all of this equipment. I am going to get some use out of it.” So, my plan was to use it differently. I thought about the Curves circuit. The circuit changes by moving from one machine to another in a 30 minute session. Within 30 minutes, you work your entire body and feel completely energized. It’s a great workout. The only problem was I had somehow strained my neck to the point where it resulted in a protruding disc.

So, my question to myself was, I have a series of six different exercise machines, a bike and three different items to wear that work well in making me sweat weight off. I began to realize I could perform different exercises each day of the week and obtain my results by the same method curves uses.

This is my weekly routine:

Sunday and Wednesday

On these two days, I get up and run two miles. I make sure and place my waist belt on to work my waist and remove the toxins by making me sweat by massaging waist while running/jogging. I must admit, its hard running the entire two miles, so half is trotting and another half is jogging. I might walk a little, but I get the complete two miles in. While doing so, the belt is constantly manipulating my waist working away the fat and helping me sweat away toxins.

Tuesday and Thursday

These are days I stay inside and workout on my treadmill and stairstep. I spend at least one hour working out on each piece of equipment. These two items are located in my bedroom. So, while I am working out on these, I am watching television or listening to the radio. It’s a great idea to be entertained while working out on eh treadmill or stairstep. Before you know it, your time is up. I use to be able to watch the westerns that I love: Cheyenne and Gunsmoke while working out on these. However, the schedule changed and Cheyenne is no longer on and Gunsmoke is now on later in the day.

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Monday and Friday

Wednesday and Friday I love riding my bike. I thought I would have forgotten how to ride a bike when I first received it as a gift from my husband. He bought me a bike back in 1985. I couldn’t believe he remembered me speaking of wanting a bike when I was a little girl, but never getting one. However, my brother was given one and I would beat him up to get a chance to ride on it. So on Wednesdays and Fridays, I take a long ride around the subdivision for an hour. It’s great riding around during the early morning. I am generally out before everyone begins to stir.


On Saturday I generally perform an inversion exercise. I lay flat on the edge of my bed and let my head hang from the foot of the bed down. This helps blood flow to my head and also seems to help reverse the signs of aging. I feel the body tends to want to return to the ground. Everything wants to droop down. By performing inversion exercises, you tend to change the tendency for the body to droop to making it go in the opposite direction. So for an hour or two, on Saturday, I just lay on the foot of my bed with my head hanging from the edge, downward.