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An Associate’s Degree: Why Get it Online?

Associate Degree, Associate's Degree, Degree Online, Living on Campus

There are a number of reasons why people don’t go to college after high school. Whatever the reason, once their life is going in one direction it is difficult to change directions and go to college.

The simplest college degree to get is the associate’s degree. It is a two-year degree and is typically either the A.A.S. (Associates of Applied Science) for technical jobs or the A.A. (Associates of Arts) for transfer to Bachelor’s degree programs.

The associate’s degree program requires 60 semester hours to attain. It will typically consist of basic math, science, English and communications as well as social sciences and electives relative to one’s field of study.

Why get your associate’s degree online?

One reason to get an associate’s degree online is so you can study from home. You don’t have the cost of living on campus, which brings up another perk since you don’t have the cost of travel.

The next benefit as far as getting your Associate’s degree online is time. When you consider how long it takes to get to a campus class it’s amazing. You have to drive to campus, take the class and then drive home. If you’re taking the class online your time investment starts when you fire up your computer and ends when you stop working on the course. You may be talking about one computer-hour versus every three campus-hours.

When you make a transition from grade school to high school or high school to college their can be some “transition jitters” and it can even affect your grades. When you start your Associate’s degree studies online you can take as long as you need to adjust and you will no doubt have less pressure.

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Online programs typically are designed to cost less than on-campus courses.

Sometimes you do not have the cost of textbooks or if you do have online texts to purchase it is much less expensive.

All needed courses are always available. Sometimes on campus the very course that you need is only offered periodically. This is particularly true with electives.

If you decide to get your Associate’s degree online another benefit is that you can study at your own pace. You do not have to keep up with a dictatorial class regimen.

I’ve not read a lot about the fact that when your work is online you can transfer it much easier to those who need to see it and that might include employers or other colleges.

Finally, you often can sign up for combination Associate’s/Bachelor’s programs if you know the field you want to continue to pursue.

Online studies are only going to become a bigger part of education. Getting involved with a college will create a relationship for further study should you so desire.

Time, money, comfort, convenience and communication are all great reasons to choose online college to attain your Associate’s degree.