Karla News

America’s Next Top Model…Heather Is Sent Packing

Last night was a sad night for me. I watched my favorite model contestant, Heather literately fart out.

Heather was my favorite model on the show. She took beautiful pictures, had a sweet mysterious personality, and an aura about her that drew fans in in truck loads.

For the past 2 weeks though I have watched Heather go from being a great model to a…not so great model. Her mysterious personality began to change into something that was different…and boring.

Anyone who follows the show already is well aware of her Aspergers, which is a disease that makes it difficult for her to communicate with others in social situations. I felt horrible when she was given the verbal runway challenge last week. Sadly though this week the only challenge she had to do was make it to a gosee on time, and then back to the main office for evaluation.

In every season of America’s Next Top Model the contestants run around looking for certain fashion designers buildings; then they have to walk a mini runway for them, impress them with their walk, and their personality. Usually every season though someone manages to flunk, and or not make it back to the main office on time.

This season had to be the worst! Only 2 girls made it back on time!

Heather though came in last place at 40 or 45 minutes late. For her to be that late she should of at least been able to find her way to 4 or 5 Gosees…she only made it to one. She got lost.

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I knew this was going to be her one way ticket back home, seeing how she sort of farted out in photo shoots in the past weeks before.

It was very sad seeing Heather go; I sort of have this hunch though that this will not be the last of Heather. She managed to be a fan favorite week after week, after week.