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America’s Choice Frozen Waffles – Food Review

Frozen Waffles, Waffles

I frequently jump around from where I do my weekly food shopping. I check my local store’s best buys and make several trips to get the most from my food budget. Since all three of the grocery stores I frequent are in close proximity to each other, I don’t feel as though the money I spend on gas nullifies the amount of money I save on being a thrifty food shopper. One item I always make sure to stock my freezer with is America’s Choice Frozen Waffles.

A & P shoppers are familiar with the America’s Choice brand. A real money saver, their products are flavorful and definitely don’t make the consumer feel deprived. When shopping on a food budget, it is sometimes disappointing to purchase the store brand and then discover that the flavor makes the few pennies saved seem pointless. Not so with America’s Choice Frozen Waffles.

My children love their cereal and fruit in the morning, but occasionally want a little diversity. Mornings can get very rushed in my house, so America’s Choice Frozen Waffles fit into the morning routine nicely. The waffles can be prepared in the toaster, toaster oven or conventional oven. The directions on the America’s Choice frozen waffles box suggests that the waffles be allowed to thaw for approximately five minutes before toasting. While my daughters are getting dressed, I place four waffles on a plate on the counter. I then place them in the toaster oven on the medium setting. Within four minutes, the waffles are lightly browned and hot. Adding a little bit of butter and syrup provides my daughters with a warm and tasty breakfast. If you frequently use your toaster in the morning instead of the toaster oven, simply brown the waffles in the toaster on the low to medium toaster setting. America’s Choice Frozen Waffles can be quickly prepared in your oven as well by browning in a four hundred degree oven for four to five minutes until nice and crispy. Be sure to place the waffles on the lowest rack in your oven to prevent scorching.

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America’s Choice Frozen Waffles are quite tasty and get two thumbs up from my two little food critics. They prefer the buttermilk variety but also enjoy the blueberry brand as well. They have also enjoyed these waffles as an after dinner dessert served with fruit or a scoop of their favorite flavor of ice cream. Waffles are a versatile food product that many people only think of as a breakfast food. As a midday snack with yogurt, or a delicious dessert, America’s Choice Frozen Waffles are a wonderful addition to your weekly food purchase.

America’s Choice Frozen Waffles contain necessary vitamins for optimum health. A serving size of two waffles contains twenty percent of Vitamin A, thirty percent of Calcium, twenty percent of Iron, five grams of Protein, twenty percent of Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12. This product also contains no cholesterol or Trans Fat. With only two hundred and forty calories per serving, I feel comfortable in serving this to my family.

America’s Choice Frozen Waffles costs approximately $1.99 for a 13.75 ounce box. Occasionally this product can be purchased at A & P for only ninety nine cents. For the flavor, speed in preparation and nutritional value, I rate this product a five out five. Stock up your freezer, use your creativity and serve America’s Choice frozen waffles for breakfast, snacks or an after dinner dessert.