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Alcoholics Anonymous or AA Meeting Formats Explained: Open Step Discussion Meetings

AA, Alcoholics Anonymous

The program of Alcoholics Anonymousoffers a wide range of meeting formats. While each and every type of AA meeting is beneficial to members of the program, it is quite natural to expect that individuals in Alcoholics Anonymous would develop preferences for certain types, or formats of meetings. Personally, after being a member of Alcoholics Anonymous since 1999 and having attended literally hundreds of meetings, this writer has also developed a preference for certain types, or formats of AA meetings.

Among the most satisfying and effective AA meeting formats that I have found are Open Step Discussion Meetings. As the name implies, this type or format of meeting focuses on the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, with group discussion also offered. With the Twelve Steps being at the epicenter of the Alcoholics Anonymous program, Open Step Discussion meetings are undoubtedly very important and useful.

Quite often, Open Step Discussion meetings feature fairly small numbers of attendees, which lend an air of intimacy and oftentimes, relaxation to the meeting. The smaller – sized meetings, as opposed to meetings with many attendees, often provide an atmosphere wherein it is easier for some members of Alcoholics Anonymous to focus on specific subjects and to be able to share their thoughts, feelings and comments with other members of the group. When studying and focusing on a subject such as the 12 Steps, a certain amount of focus and attention is required, which the smaller – sized AA groups are able to offer.

Generally, at Open Step Discussion meetings, participants read in unison from copies of the book “Alcoholics Anonymous”, or the Big Book, as it is commonly referred to. Usually, meeting participants at Open Step Discussion meetings take turns reading aloud from one specific Step chapter of the Big Book. Standard procedure at this format of AA meeting calls for each participant to read one or two paragraphs from the designated Step chapter aloud, then allow the next person to read a paragraph or two. Each participant, or reader has the opportunity to inject their own tone, inflections and style to the reading of the Step chapter.

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When the Step chapter has been read all of the way through, at most Alcoholics Anonymous Open Step Discussion meetings, the various participants enter into a discussion regarding the Step chapter that they had just read. Participants generally express their opinions concerning what they just read and frequently offer insights and observations, including ways in which they can relate to the Step chapter.

Because each member of Alcoholics Anonymous offers unique observations, insights and opinions regarding the specified Step, other members of the group can often benefit and glean new insights and information, which may help them to interpret the chapter in new ways, which can also help to benefit their own individual sobriety.

Whether it be a single sentence, a paragraph or the entire chapter, usually, certain parts of each Step chapter contain particularly significant elements for each member of the Open Step Discussion meeting. One of the benefits of this meting format is that participants receive the opportunity to reflect upon how the specific chapter relates to their own experiences and struggles with alcoholism. No matter if the AA member is a newcomer or a seasoned veteran of the program, each and every participant in this format of AA meeting can benefit greatly from the information that is offered to them.

Sources :
Personal experience with the Alcoholics Anonymous program and AA meetings