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Albuterol Inhaler Side Effects

Albuterol, Albuterol Inhaler

I have dealt with asthma all of my life. As a child, my asthma symptoms were frequent and persistent. It was often that I would have an asthma attack or begin wheezing during school. For years, I required prescription medication to keep my asthma under control, but now, I only use an albuterol rescue inhaler to treat my asthma.

I shouldn’t go anywhere without my albuterol inhaler…just in case. This small little prescription medication comes in a nice plastic case for ease of transport in a pocket or purse. So how does this little wonder work for me, you may ask? Do I experience any negative side effects when using my albuterol inhaler?

For me, the albuterol inhaler works well to stop an asthma attack right in its tracks. It is best if I use it immediately upon feeling that heavy discomfort in my chest, but there are some side effects that I have noticed.

After using my albuterol inhaler I occasionally feel light-headed. This may be due to the albuterol inhaler, or my reduced oxygen. Also, I feel very jittery and bouncy. This feeling typically subsides within a short period of time, but it is not a pleasant feeling. Sometimes, I feel like I could just run around the house in a whirl after taking this medication to treat my asthma. If only I could direct all that excess energy into something positive like getting the housework done.

If it has been awhile since I have taken my albuterol inhaler, I notice this hyper feeling more than if I have needed to use the prescription more regularly. This side effect has not caused me to stop using the albuterol inhaler. The results are too positive and the hyper and jittery feeling sometimes is entertaining for family and friends.

See also  Find Out If You Have Asthma

The albuterol inhaler can leave a nasty taste in your mouth after each use. This side effect can be minimized if taken properly. Avoid placing the albuterol inhaler directly into your mouth. Hold the inhaler a small distance away. This will help to eliminate the gross taste. A simple drink of water or piece of gum will certainly do the trick and fix this problem quickly and effectively.

Asthma can be tricky to keep under control. An albuterol inhaler has been great to help me during an asthma attack. Although I have experienced a couple of unpleasant side effects from this medication, they certainly would not cause me to discontinue using the albuterol inhaler. The positive results far outweigh the negative side effects.