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Advanced Acting Technique – Discovering Your Character’s Outer Form

One of the most important talents any actor can possess is knowing how to externalize his internal feelings and thoughts. If you are unable to do this process, then you are not fit to be an actor. There are many reasons as to why this externalization process is vital; however, the most important is being able to influence and commune with your fellow actors as well as with the audience.

Throughout my time as a professional actor, I have met many performers who are able to analyze and internalize their character – to a great degree; however, these actors were unable to leave the confines of their head and share these experiences and emotions with the world. The result – an awfully flat and boring performance.

As an actor, you must discover your character’s outer form, which means externalizing his internal feelings into his movement and gestures.

There are many classes focused on this technique; however, I find that the majority of these classes repeat the same information. Throughout my experience, I have created several tips that will help actors throughout the quest of uncovering their outer form.

Be Unique – Like Your Character

As I stated earlier, I have worked with many actors who were unable to externalize what is going on within their head. On the same token, there are other actors who choose stereotypical bodily movements and gestures based on the surface-level personality of their character. These movements are also known as “clichés” – for example, a gay male character. I will throw up if I see another actor externalize a gay male character as one with a lisp, extremely feminine gestures and stereotypical facial movements.

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While some characters are closely reminiscent to stereotypical character and people, it is your responsibility to discover unique movements, gestures and accents for your character.

Source of Externalization

In an attempt to create unique externalizations, you must uncover the source of your externalization, or outer form. The source of your externalization must be based from a specific need that relates to your character’s motivational impulse that drives him to accomplish his objective and goals.