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Adult Road Trip Games

Road Trip Games

Long road trips can be gruelling. If you’re tired of listening to your CD’s, don’t want to read anymore or can’t find anything interesting on the radio, try one of these ideas to keep you entertained for a while. None of these games require anything except a pen and paper to keep score.

Name That Tune

Players take turns guessing the title and artist of a song that plays on the radio. The person in the passenger’s seat will be responsible for controlling the radio. He or she will move the radio dial one station up at a time. Skip through commercials and talk radio. When it’s the guesser’s turn, they have until the song ends to guess the title and artist. One point if they can name the song, two if they can name both the song and the artist. When their turn is over, it’s the next person’s turn. Keep score.

Word Maker

Start with the letter “A”. Each person must think of a word beginning with the designated letter. When time is up, each person says the word they thought of. Whoever thought of the word with the most letters wins a point.

License Plate Games

There are a few games you can play with license plates. One is ‘License Plate Bingo’. For this, you’ll need to make up cards beforehand. You write state names on each square and as you see those plates, mark them off. Think of a prize for the winner such as when you get to the destination, the person that is the last to make a Bingo has to unpack. The prize can be anything you want.

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You can also treat the letters on the license plates as acronyms. Whoever can think of the funniest one wins. This game you actually don’t even need to keep score with. People will come up with some real funny acronyms and you can play just for laughs. It may sound dull, but last time I played this, the person I was driving with had me laughing so hard my stomach literally hurt. I suggest not playing this game with kids in the car as most of the acronyms will be adult referenced.

Movie Strings

You can play this game using bands/music artists as well. Start with the letter “A”. The first person must think of the name of a movie that begins with that letter. The second person takes the last letter of the title and must use that to think of another movie that begins with it. Keep going until one player can’t think of one. However, the next person in line must be able to think of one, if they can’t move on to the next person. If nobody can think of one, continue to the game and start with the letter “B”. Movies or bands that start with the word “The” do not count as the letter “T”. So, the movie “The Pelican Brief” would actualy be “P”. For example, you might start with “American Pie”. The next person has to think of a movie beginning with “E”. They might say, “End of Days”. Now, the next letter will be “S” and so on.

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Another fun thing you can do is take a common song such as “Old MacDonald Had A Farm” and come up with a funny song that goes to the lyrics. This is fun to do with Christmas Songs. This is a great start for Old MacDonald: “Old MacDonald sitting on a fence, picking his nose with monkey wrench. Just keep going and work together to think of a funny story to tell that rhymes. This will keep you entertained for quite some time.