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A Pro’s Tips on Making Money Selling Used Maternity Clothes on eBay

Ebay Auctions, Maternity Clothes, Maternity Jeans

Used maternity clothes sell surprisingly well on Ebay. Most Ebay shoppers are looking for a bargain, and if you can find things extremely cheaply, you can make a nice profit on almost anything you sell. Maternity clothes are no different. In retail stores, they can be very expensive. Expecting mothers flock to Ebay looking for bargains for the clothes they will only be wearing for nine months or less. I can show you how to find maternity clothes for the cheapest prices, and how to market and sell them in an Ebay auction as an easy way to make money.

Good, sell-able maternity clothes aren’t always easy to find. I sell many things on Ebay, from books, baby clothes, art, crafts and anything else I think I can sell. Maternity clothes are one of those items that I can always count on to make a good profit, and something I always keep an eye out for. I often go to the several thrift stores in my area, which are the best places I’ve found to find good quality and name brand used maternity clothes.

Look for maternity clothes that are in excellent condition. Make sure they are completely free of any stains, tears, or wear. They need to look like they are brand new. Some thrift stores charge too much sometimes. Don’t buy maternity clothes from a thrift store for more than a dollar or two each piece. You can also wait for sales, when clothing is as little as a quarter a piece.

Wait until you have a large amount of maternity clothes before you start your Ebay auctions. I would suggest at least starting with 20 or 30 pieces of clothing. List the clothing in sets, called “lots”, in an auction. I have done well with sets of two or three. List like items together in each auction. If you have two medium sized tops, list those together. If you have three pairs of maternity jeans that are a size ten, list those together in a separate auction.

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Make sure you are very specific in your auction title. Specify exact sizes, and use any brand name that happens to be popular. 2 pairs maternity jeans pants size 10 long 32 inseam” is a god title. “2 pairs of maternity jeans” is not. It’s not specific enough, and you won’t get as many people looking at your auction. Remember to use as many keywords as you can, and use all of your available space in each title.

Try to start your auctions at the highest starting bid the market will bear. Do research on complete auctions that are similar, and emulate them as much as possible. Consider the “buy it now” option as well, as maternity clothes seem to do just as well that way, sometimes even better than in a regular style Ebay auction.

The most important thing I’ve learned in my Ebay auctions is this: don’t start your bids with a price lower than you’re willing to end up with. Believe me, I’ve tried starting low, like at .99 cents to attract more bidders. Most often, however, I just ended up having auctions that end up at .99 cents. Good luck on your auction!