Karla News

A Mother’s Worry Never Ends

Cutting Hair

A Mother’s Worry Never Ends

We worry from the time we conceive.
Will they make it to trimester three?

We worry about how much they eat
and even when we they poop and pee.

We worry when they’re two and three,
all the scraps, bumps and boo-boo’d knees.

We worry about them cutting hair
and how much of their sister’s they’re willing to spare.

We worry about all the teeth that must come free
and if they will need Orthodontistry.

We worry if they will pass the class,
from their first day of school until their last.

We worry about them going off to college
and if we gave them enough knowledge.

We worry for them when their heart does break
and the scar that they might never shake.

We worry for them on their wedding day,
that the love they share may never fade.

We worry for them when their baby comes
now their worrying has just begun.

A Mother’s worry never ends.
It just evolves and grows and starts again.

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