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A Guide to Using Sweet Smelling Clary Sage Oil

Grapeseed Oil, Sage

Clary sage boasts a multitude of beneficial actions that, along with its sweet smelling scent, makes it a valuable addition to any home aromatherapy collection.

The fragrant leaves and flower tops of clary sage are steam-distilled to create a potent oil with remarkable sedative properties. Blended with lavender, it is invaluable for easing depression and anxiety; by itself it can help treat panic attacks, stress-induced headaches and muscular cramps and is an excellent tonic for the nervous system.

Clary sage’s primary action is on the female reproductive system. It mimics estrogen and regulates scanty periods and menopausal symptoms. Blended with jasmine and sandalwood oil, clary sage’s euphoric action can help cure frigidity and impotence. An effective relaxant for tense and strained muscles, clary sage is useful for people with high blood pressure. As a beauty oil, it is believed to promote hair growth and is used in shampoos and conditioners to treat greasy hair and dandruff.

Clary sage contains more than 70 per cent esters, such as Linalyl acetate. These give clary sage’s remarkable calming and sedative properties. They are also anti-spasmodic and digestive tonics.

Clary sage also contains alcohols, including linalool and sclareol. These act as good general tonics and balancers and they are also warming and uplifting to the mind and body.

For centuries, clary sage has been used to soothe and heal all manner of conditions. Learn how to use its medicinal properties in your own life.

Clary sage’s restorative properties can help you combat respiratory ailments:

Ease nasal and chest congestion with a warming chest rub of 3 drops each of lavender, peppermint and clary sage oil in 35ml of sweet almond oil.

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Treat a sore throat by mixing 5 drops of tea tree oil and 2 drops of clary sage oil in a glass of warm water. Use as a gargle 2-3 times a day. Do not swallow.

Reduce the symptoms of chronic stress and anxiety with clary sage:

For a good night’s sleep add 2 drops each of chamomile and clary sage to a cotton wool pad and place it under a pillow. The sedative action of these oils will combat insomnia.

Clary sage makes an excellent tonic for the female reproductive system:

Soothe abdominal cramps with a bath containing 3 drops each of clary sage, marjoram and chamomile.

Regulate irregular periods with a daily abdominal massage containing 3 drops each of clary sage and myrrh and 1 drop of fennel diluted in 35ml of grapeseed oil.

Balance menopausal symptoms with a massage blend containing 3 drops each of clary sage, rose and geranium in 35ml of carrier oil. These oils are known to balance the female hormonal system.

Soothe the mind and spirit with clary sage’s mood-enhancing properties and create a sense of calm and well-being:

Promote deep relaxation for meditation by adding 2-3 drops each of clary sage and ylang ylang to an oil burner.

Calm nerves with a massage blend of 3 drops each of clary sage oil, rose and frankincense in 35ml of carrier oil.

Clary sage’s tenacious bittersweet scent and purifying properties have made it a feature of European folklore.

To the Romans, clary sage was a sacred herb gathered ceremonially with a non-iron knife or sickle by people with purified clothes and feet.

Clary sage is ruled by the Moon, so pick leaves by the light of the Moon to strengthen its healing powers.

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Ancient Europeans used clary sage in beer, making an intoxicating brew. Drinkers reported magical dreams, but severe headaches the following day.

In the Middle Ages, clary sage was called ‘Oculus Christ’ – ‘eye of Christ. It was added to salves for clear vision.