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Sample Business to Business Message

Business Letters, Business to Business

Businesses need other businesses to be successful. One business does not have the time or the money to do every aspect of the planning, developing, etc. that goes into completing projects. Businesses rely on other businesses to provide services such as distribution of products, providing expertise about a new area of a project that is part of the receiving company’s project and another form of business to business letters would be communication between two coworkers in different departments. There are several ways to communication with other businesses or coworkers in different departments. This can be done by snail mail, email or fax. A formal letter is always best when trying to develop the initial working relationship. Communication with a coworker in different departments would best be done by memo through email. This is the best choice because if there are any questions the person is right there in the same building. Once the letter is sent out, a response is needed to the letter. The response letter will be either an acceptance or a denial of the working relationship.
First Example Message

The first business to business message consists of a record company communicating with a distribution company. The record company is sending the terms of the relationship about the distribution company distributing sample of music. The message was sent through snail mail in the form of a letter. Technology that was used to process this letter was a word program. The message is very clear on what the receiving company is supposed to be doing with the sender’s products. There is no way the receiving company could interpret the message in the wrong way. Feedback from this letter would be a follow up letter from receiver to sender confirming the terms were understood and estimated dates on when each transaction will happen.
Second Example Message

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The second letter is a letter of appreciation for a speaker from one business speaking at another conference for another business. The letter was printed on corporation letter head by use of a computer and a printer. The message is very clear on the subject of appreciation and the receiver will have no problems in understanding the intent of the letter. Feedback to this letter would be a letter of thanks back for allowing the speaker to speak at the conference and could also start a working relationship between both companies.
Third Example Message

The third letter is a memorandum within a company. The director of one department is sending a memo to a director form another department. The environment is in house environment between two coworkers. The memo is explaining to the director that a long time researcher will be joining his team from a long term project with another department. The sender wants the receiver to acknowledge his efforts of his research project and to make a big deal about it. I think this letter would be interpreted as someone saying that other people in the workplace is not doing a good job. The sender is overly boasting about this person s work and the future co workers of this researcher might be unpleasant when working together. The technology used was through email. This method was a good choice because it was in house. Feedback to this will probably be negative, but further explanation may be required to cool things down.

Businesses to business letters are important in creating a working relationship with another company for the simple fact of one company needing the services or products of another. The letter’s purpose would be to convince the company why it would be a good idea to start the relationship (Hopkins, 2010). Once the initial letter is sent it is only proper for the receiver company send a response back. The letter can be to inform the company that a working relationship is possible or to state reasons why the working relationship isn’t possible.
Sample Business Letter

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Mr. Sam Jones

IT Manager

ABC Company

123 River Lane

Somewhere, OH 1234

RE: Email Hosting

Mr. Tim Smith

Sales Manager

XYZ Company

321 Peach Drive

Somewhere, PA 4321

Mr. Smith:

We at ABC Company are interesting in starting a working partnership by having your company host our email server. ABC Company is a top distributer of government parts and email is our number 1 communication method. We communicate with government officials several times a week and informing them of deadlines are important.

We have selected your company to do our hosting due to the high satisfaction rate on your website from other companies. We feel that you would be a good match for own company and our needs. If this is possible please contact me at 555-555-5555 or email me at [email protected] .


Mr. Sam Jones
Response Letter

Business to business letters does not mean an automatic working relationship. The company the sender is seeking has to do research on the company that could be a partner. Several things will go into this process. The receiving company has to run credit checks, to make sure the sender company is on time with payments. The receiving company also has to research what the company does and see if it will be a good fit for the company. There are several reasons why a working relationship can be denied. Poor credit scores, poor credit history, location, existing computer hardware and software, etc.

Mr. Tim Smith

XYZ Company

321 Peach Drive

Somewhere, PA 4321

RE: Email Hosting

Mr. Sam Jones

ABC Company

123 River Lane

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Somewhere, OH 1234

Mr. Jones,

I appreciate your interest in our company hosting your email. I am sad to inform you that at this time we cannot approve that working relationship. With careful consideration your company has a poor credit score and your paying history is not up to our policy. Our policy states that paying history has to be good standing with other companies and the company needs a credit score of at least 800 and the credit score for your company is 530.

In six months you can reapply with our company and if the company meets out qualifications we would be glad to host your companies email.


Mr. Tim Smith

Sales Manager

Business to business letters is the first impression of the business. The person writing the letter should have professional writing skills and good grammar. Research should be done before sending out the initial letter. This is because knowing about the company that will be a potential partner will better the chances of an acceptance letter rather than a denial letter. A denial response is not a negative and should not be taken as a negative. A denial letter gives insight on what the company needs to improve to better the chances of having a working relationship with any business. This could be an improved payment history or credit score.


Thomas, Jacqueline, 2010. Examples of Business Letters.

Retrieved from http://www.life123.com/career-money/business-correspondences/business-letter/examples-of-business-letters.shtml

Writing Help. Business Memo.

Retrieved from http://www.writinghelp-central.com/business-memo.html

Hopkins, Lara, 2010. Importance of Business Letters.

Retrieved From http://ezinearticles.com/?Importance-of-Business-Letters&id;=3908106