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List of Free Community Network Sites

Community sites provide the ability for members to connect with people all over the world. Members are provided the ability to learn about people and places they may never physically visit.

For people who own their own business, community sites provide an open source of potential business. Community sites are typically set up to prevent people from advertising their business. Facebook, Myspace, and Triond are exceptions and will actually help a member promote their business. The majority of community sites, however, DO NOT allow personal advertising – sometimes strictly enforced with penalties of account cancellation. Using community sites to gain customers is acceptable if approached and executed properly and with respect. A good way to gain customers is to seek new friends who have profiles that look as if they would like your product. Become friends with that person and tell them about your product. If you meet someone who owns a business you could exchange advertising information. Important advice to follow when using community sites to advertise your business is not to intrude on anyone. If a person does not want to talk business or not even interested in your product leave them alone.

Below is a list of free community network sites that allow members to post pictures, music, songs, videos, and fun personal information while meeting other members through blogs, instant and email messaging, quizzes, and games.

List of Free Community Network Sites:

1. Facebook

Website: http://www.facebook.com

Minimum age to join: None

Profile & Personal Info: Public or Private

2. Friendster

Website: http://www.friendster.com

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Minimum age to join: 16 yrs old

Profile & Personal Info: Public or Private

3. MySpace

Website: http://www.myspace.com

Minimum age to join: None

Profile & Personal Info: Public or Private

4. Netlog

Website: http://www.netlog.com

Minimum age to join: 13 yrs. old

Profile & Personal Info: Public

5. PerfSpot

Website: http://www.perfspot.com

Minimum age to join: 14 yrs. old

Profile & Personal Info: Public or Private

6. Tagged

Website: http://www.tagged.com

Minimum age to join: None

Profile & Personal Info: Public or Private

7. Triond

Website: http://www.triond.com

Minimum age to join: None

Profile & Personal Info: Public

8. Zorpia

Website: http://www.zorpia.com

Minimum age to join: 16 yrs old

Profile & Personal Info: Public

How to Set Up a Free Network Community Site

1. Browse each website on the list above. Look at available features and the types of people on the site.

2. After selecting a site read the User’s Agreement. Pay particular attention to the type of material members are able to post.

3. Fill out the free signup application. This step will require personal email verification to complete.

4. Post at least one recent picture of yourself so other members are able to see what you look like. A profile with a picture attached will typically receive more comments than a profile without a picture attached.

5. Fill out the standard profile questions about age, appearance, likes, dislikes, and relationship status. The more accurate information that is provided the easier it will be to find people with similar interests. Post a blog about yourself and what you are looking for if you have numerous areas of interest.

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– Search through numerous websites and profiles before signing up for an account.

– The more personal pictures and information posted the greater the response will be from other members.

– Be honest and provide detailed information while filling out the personal profile information.- Reach out and contact other members. Meet people and start random conversations as if it were a conversation taking place face-to-face.