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Top Girls Basketball Camps in New England

Basketball Camp, Basketball Camps, Basketball Tips

New England is as sports crazy as any other part of the United States. Loaded with top notch academic schools , New England has also developed its share of quality sports programs at the college level for both young men and young women . To prepare high school female athletes for the opportunity to play basketball at the college level and beyond, a number of girls’ summer basketball camps have been established. The three camps that follow below are among those offering top notch preparation, solid opportunities for high level competition and a little bit of fun thrown in for good measure.

1. Hoop Mountain New England Girls Camp If you are looking for an opportunity to both showcase your skills and take them to the next level you might want to investigate what Hoop Mountain has to offer. The Hoop Mountain philosophy is simple and to the point. The camp insists that it is “dedicated to the development of girls’ basketball”. With a staff comprised of some of the top women’s coaches available, Hoop Mountain annually attracts some of the top high school competitors in the region and from around the nation. There are also counselors here who are currently playing college ball or played at the college level in the past who are able to share their understanding of all aspects of the game and the adjustments necessary for girls to play at the next level.

There are a variety of special programs offered at Hoop Mountain. The toughest competitive week each year is called “Super Week”. Many come to this camp by invitation, while others simply come with a lot of talent and some hope. Players know that during “super week” they will meet players from around the country who eventually will be playing on major Division One women’s basketball teams. The competition is considerable.and the action is intense. Participants are all high school aged players and they are evaluated on arrival for assignment to teams at their skill level. During the week they play three games a day and engage in six hours of instruction. Girls benefit from the experiences of current college players and coaches as they talk about what kinds of skills and abilities college coaches demand. Hoop Mountain has been selected as a MacDonald’s All American Nominator which encourages girls to work hard to get noticed.

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Not everyone comes to Hoop Mountain with fully developed skills. For younger girls entering grades 6-9 the camp holds a week dedicated to developing skills and learning fundamentals. Their schedule replicates “super week” with girls playing three games a day and then 6 full hours of instructional time with top of the line counselors.

Some campers choose to attend an additional week of camp for a concentrated dose at Offensive Skills Camp. Girls spend this week working on shooting skills and learning to play their positions on offense. A frequently difficult concept, moving without the ball, is part of the instructional package. For those learning fundamentals and for those who are thinking about moving on to the college level there is much to be drawn from a week spent at Offensive Skills Camp .

If you want more information about Hoop Mountain, one of the top girls’ basketball camps in New England, visit their website at www.hoopmountain.com.

Hoop Mountain Camp is located on the grounds of Pomfret School in Pomfret, CT.

2.Sarah Behn Basketball Camp. When Sarah Behn was growing up in the small town of Foxboro,MA she played a lot of basketball. At Foxboro High she was a standout. At some point people in Foxboro began to recognize that they were seeing something special every time Sarah Behn took the floor. But probably no one in those early days realized how much success was still waiting for Sarah or how she would eventually turn around and share her knowledge and understanding of basketball by operating one of the top girls basketball camps in New England.

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Sarah Behn has played and coached at all levels of women’s basketball and she has been a standout at every level. Perhaps the record that stands out the most to girls she coaches is that she holds the all time women’s scoring record in the Big East. To kids just learning to dribble and pass, Sarah Behn inspires a lot of respect. And Sarah has used that respect to share her ability and her basketball philosophy in summer camps programs for the last 14 years, instructing some 17,000 young players.

During the summer, week long Sarah Behn Basketball Camps operate in more than a dozen locations. There are also overnight basketball camp venues for older campers. The goal of all the camp programs is to work with girls to improve their basic skills . In fact Sarah Behn states that the camp philosophy is “to instill confidence in young girls by teaching basketball fundamentals. Her system has worked for many young players who have gone on to have outstanding careers in high school and at the college level.

For more information about this camp system organized and run by one of New England’s finest female athlete’s contact www.behncamp.com.

3. Dave Cowens Basketball School A truly unique basketball camp opportunity exists for girls and boys at the Dave Cowens Basketball School. A Boston Celtics and NBA standout Dave Cowens has extended his involvement in basketball by spending the last 34 years organizing and developing one of the top basketball camps in New England for girls or boys. Cowens is so proud of the results of his work that he refers openly to the Dave Cowens Basketball School as the “best basketball school in the U. S.”Lots of folks seem to agree. Cowens routinely draws participants from all over New England, the U. S. and dozens of foreign countries.

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The camp places players on teams of 11 young people and one coach. They work throughout the week developing team play and concentrating on individual skills. Campers play organized games, work drills and spend time listening to guest lecturers who visit to share their knowledge. Among those who have spoken at the Dave Cowens camp are Rick Patino, Mike Jarvis and Bill Curley.

What adds a special allure to the Cowens Camp is its location. Dave Cowens Basketball School programs are offered during three separate week long sessions at Wheaton College in rural Norton, MA. The young people are housed in college dormitories, use the college dining hall and have access to the indoor pool. Though quarters are gender separate, there is opportunity for boys and girls to meet and socialize throughout the week.

The cost of this experience is $665 for one week with a $300 deposit holding your place. From the quality of what this camp has to offer, it is a place well worth holding. You can discover more about Dave Cowens Basketball School and find out why it is one of the top basketball camps in New England for girls and boys by vising the website at www.dcowens.com .

participants don’t have to be invited to this session but many come
