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Thieves Dentarome Ultra Toothpaste – Review of a Young Living Product

Black Plague, Dental Products, Papain, Whiten Teeth

There are so many dental products on the market that claim to whiten teeth. We have tried several and had varying results. Also, we have tried various products that are marketed to fight tarter, gingivitis and clean teeth.

Young Living Company has a product called Thieves Dentarome Ultra Toothpaste. This product contains ingredients including thieves, peppermint, cloves, eucalyptus globules, thyme and wintergreen.

Why is it named: Thieves? Young Living created this blend based on a historical account about four thieves in France. According to this account, the thieves protected themselves from the black plague with cloves, rosemary and other aromatics while the robbed the victims of this terminal disease. Ok, so these thieves were not on the “up and up” but clearly their use of this oil blend protected them from the disease, according to the historical account. The oils Young Living uses for its blend called Thieves includes clove, lemon, rosemary, cinnamon bark, and eucalyptus radiate and the blend is intended to provide the same type of defense.

How does it whiten teeth? According to young living’s website, this product contains a whitening agent derived from papayas called papain which is an anti-stain enzyme.

How much does it cost? Retail cost of the product is $11.51 for 4.1 ounces.

So, now you have the company’s information on ingredients, naming of the product, intended results and cost. How did it hold up in my opinion?

How did I find out about this product? Dr. Christine Malone of the Memphis area is who originally recommended this product to me. At the time, I was getting sick a lot and I was trying to eliminate germs from all angles. She referred me to the website and provided literature. I purchased the product directly from her.

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Does it whiten teeth? When I made the decision to try the product, it was mainly to eliminate germs and clean my teeth and gums. After using the product for three weeks, I noticed that my teeth were looking whiter. My husband agreed that there was a significant difference. I had no idea that the product was also intended to whiten teeth until I checked the label after noticing this. It also significantly lightened a spot that I have had on one of my teeth for over ten years. I was truly “wowed.”

Does my mouth seem any cleaner? I also could not help but notice that after brushing my teeth with Thieves toothpaste, my teeth had a “clean” feeling similar to right after getting a professional cleaning at the Dentist.

My opinion on the cost: Yes, this product is more than I typically have paid for toothpaste. However, you only need a very small amount and the results are well worth the cost.

Cons: When I first tried this product, I had a hard time adjusting to the taste. It does not have a mint-like taste that I was used to. However, after using it regularly for a few weeks, I liked the taste much better. Recently I used a different type of toothpaste while away on vacation and although it was what I had used for years, I found that I no longer preferred the peppermint taste. Another con for me is that it comes in a tube and I prefer the stand-up type of toothpaste that comes out more like a pump.

Do I recommend this product? Definitely. I have referred it to friends and family members and I have been extremely please with the results. Dr. Christine Malone has agreed to answer any additional questions about how this product works and about essential oils and can be reached: [email protected]. Although I am not an industry expert, I would also be happy to answer any questions about the product as well.

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