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Binge Eating: Why Do People Do It?

Weight Loss Advice

What is binge eating anyway? It is eating until you can’t eat anymore. Binge eaters usually eat quickly. Sometimes that eat alone, too embarrassed to let anyone see how much they are really eating. Many times binge eaters, also referred to as overeaters, will eat even though they are not hungry. This overeating will usually lead to feelings of shame and guilt because they are not able to control their eating.

But what causes a person overeat? Or to binge and purge or starve themselves? Whatever your choice of eating disorder, the reasons for these behaviors are mostly the same for all these disorders. It is just the symptoms that are different. There is something else going on in our lives and we are using food to deal with it. In many cases, the disorder has existed for a long time and we may not know where to begin to get treatment. Remember to be patient, you did not develop this condition overnight and it will take time to see the results of the treatment.

Depression is one reason people binge eat. At the time they are eating food brings them a little bit of happiness, something they do not seem to be getting in other areas of their life. Depression can be caused by events in our live or by an imbalance in brain chemicals. When a person is suffering from depression, their lives seem out of control and for the short time that they are eating they have the feeling they have regained some of that control. Depression is best treated with a combination of medication and counseling.

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A diet gone wrong can be another reason for binge eating. The person has basically starved themselves and now they are so hungry that once they start eating they have a hard time controlling how much they eat. This can be treated by getting some proper nutritional and weight loss advice from a trained professional.

Emotions are another big reason for binge eating. It has been said that you should never get too hungry, angry, tired or lonely (HALT). It is at these times that we tend to let our emotions take over and do the things that make us feel better even if they are destructive. Learning to deal with your emotions is not always easy. There are many books that can help with this. If you think you need more structured help in managing your feelings, you may want to find a good counselor. Overeater Anonymous can also help with feelings and daily situations in your life.

Whatever the reason is that a person overeats or binges and purges, they must realize that there is a treatment. It is not easy to overcome such disorders, but with persistence and the help of professional people these suffering people can change their lives. It just takes time, patience and the willingness to want to feel better.