Articles for category: Dieting & Weight Loss

YMCA Gym Membership in Chicago

Since 1958 the YMCA of Chicago has contributed to the lives of boys, girls, women and men of all ages, races, and economic backgrounds. YMCA has taught children to swim; rescued young people from the hands of gangs, trained & helped adults return to the work force, provided prenatal care for needy expectant moms, has ...

Product Review: Light Life Gimme Lean Ground Beef Style

Thank goodness for vegetarians and vegans there are soy and soy products that can imitate meat. Humans are generally not born vegetarian or vegan and by the time they make the decision to be one, they have become accustomed to dishes containing meat. They generally grew up eating hamburgers and casseroles and meatballs and meat ...

How to Get Muscular Abs in One Week

Getting abs isn’t as hard as it seems. The mainstream might make it seem like the only way that you can get them is by using some expensive machinery and working out an hour a day for weeks, but this is not the answer. You have everything that you need to get your much wanted ...

How to Make Pepperoni Chips

My love of food has led me to try many different things. I am one of those types who likes to go to several different restaurants to see what they have. The bigger variety, the happier I am. I guess you could categorize my love of food as an obsession. So what does that love ...

25 Foods with 100 Calories or Less

In a society where entire supermarket aisles are dedicated to snack foods and portion sizes are double sometimes triple what they should be, it’s hard for a dieter to make healthy choices. Moderation has always been one of the most significant keys to dieting success. But how do you know for sure what a good ...

Lose Weight Despite Hypothyroidism

After being diagnosed with Hypothyroidism thirteen years ago, putting on an extra 25 pounds on my 5’6, 120 pound frame became a nightmare. I had no idea what Hypothyroidism was. I couldn’t even prounouce the name correctly. My doctor rambled that it had to do with the metabolism and infection of the thyroid and on ...

Dieters’ Homemade Iced Tea Recipes

In hot weather, an iced tea beverage can be refreshing as well as satisfying between meals or at any other time of day. Iced tea can also be lower in calories and offer more health benefits than cola or other commercially prepared soft drinks. Additionally, homemade iced tea offers other benefits not found in prepared ...

Chocolate Benefits Skin Health and Erases Wrinkles

Chocolate is delicious, and also quite nutritious, it’s really not fictitious, I’m telling you the truth. Health benefits are healing, the taste is so appealing, so here I am revealing, a fountain of youth. Chocolate for beauty That’s right the latest news is that one of the many health benefits of chocolate is wrinkle reduction. ...

Gluten Free Living: Wheat Flour Alternatives

One of the biggest challenges that you will have when switching to a gluten and dairy free diet is finding something to replace wheat flour. The gluten in the wheat flour is what binds it together and it is what gives your baked goods, especially breads, that light and fluffy consistency. The taste and texture ...