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5 Ways to Track Your Followers on Twitter

Twitter is the social networking site that allows users to come together and answer a simple question in a simple answer format. While many of us find ourselves answering the famous Twitter question, “What are you doing?” throughout the day, finding out who is following us and who isn’t has also become an important task related to Twitter. There are now ways that you can track your followers on Twitter to find out what they are posting about, if they have recently unfollowed you via email, or even if your Twitter follower know each other. Here is a list of Twitter applications that give you the ability to take the famous Twitter question a step farther and track the behavior of your Twitter Followers!

Track Followers on Twitter with Less Friends: With Less Friends you can find out if your Twitter followers or friends are following or unfollowing you. For instance, you simply type in your Twitter user name and password into the site and it will come back with a list of your Twitter friends that you follow as well as a list of whether or not those friends are following you. This is a tweet, tweet world and gone are the times that you could follow and be followed! Use this Twitter application to find out who is truly your friend on Twitter!

Track Followers on Twitter with My Tweeple: My Tweeple is like your little home page for Twitter people. You can use this Twitter tool to determine the value of your followers on Twitter by tracking the number of times other Twitter users have recommended them. The more recommendations the better in most cases although the site does not guarantee this comment!

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Track Followers on Twitter with Twitterless: Twitterless will automatically alert you via email if any of your followers decide to unfollow you. This will again help you to determine who the friends on Twitter really are and who is just in it for a tweet or two. Twitterless also graphs the history of your followers on Twitter so that you can use the information in a variety of different ways. This is especially helpful in marketing and using Twitter for business accounts.

Track Followers on Twitter with Does Follow: This site will tell you if a follower is following someone or not. For instance, if you want to know who a particular Twitter user is following you can use Does Follow to find out who the followers are. Just fill in the blanks on the page to find out, “does (blank), Follow (blank)?”

Track Followers on Twitter with Twitter 100: Twitter 100 will show you what the past 100 posts have been from your followers. Not 100 per follower, but a list of the most recent 100 posts on Twitter that actually came from people that you follow. It may be a compilation of 100 posts from only 20 followers if that’s all you have or it may include 100 of your followers when you actually have many more. At a glance Twitter 100 can help you track at least the most recent 100 posts of people that you follow!