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5 Reasons Clearwire Internet Service Sucks More Than You Thought

Internet Service, Internet Speed, Modems

Clearwire internet service is a new internet service provider that’s popping up all over the place like Cricket did years ago. Clear promises a 4G network, low prices, and no credit checks, but doesn’t advertise these five reasons why Clearwire sucks.

1. Bad Coverage Areas

Verizon claims that “there’s a map for that”, AT&T; states “there’s an app for that” but Clearwire’s stance is “there’s crap for that.” If you plan on buying one of Clear’s wireless broadband cards; don’t plan on travelling with it. Clearwire doesn’t cover 15 U.S. states (popular ones like California, Nevada, New York and Florida) and has bad wireless internet coverage in the states that it currently covers. What good is having 4G if you’re limited to just one area? If you’re out of town, you’ll be charged for internet service you can’t use – which sucks.

2. Speed

Clear internet service throws around the word 4G as if it was guaranteed, but the only guarantee is that the internet speed sucks if you’re on the go. The speed of Clearwire internet is based on location and if you’re always on the go, you’ll want to avoid the bad speed that comes with clear internet service. 4G is supposed to go up to 10 times faster than 3G internet and it’s obvious that Clear didn’t master this technology before introducing it to the public.

3. Windows 7 issues

Windows 7 was released 10.22.2009 and clear still hasn’t fixed its issues with Windows 7. To be fair Clearwire did update their online drivers with a Windows 7 update, but how will Clearwire customers get access to those drivers if they can’t get on the internet? It would be simple if Clear made a disk to pass to customers, but they leave their salespeople hanging and their customers out in the cold – Clear internet service doesn’t work right out the box with Windows 7.

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4. The hardware is cheap

I work at an electronics store and customers are always complaining or trying to return broken wireless broadband modems or complaining about their shoddy modems at home. The wireless broadband cards are easily broken in USB ports, can split in half, and won’t live long while used on laptops (what they’re intended to be used for).

5. It has its own hate website

When there is so much interest in the fact that your product sucks that an entire website can be formed with complaints alone; something is wrong with your product. Clearwiresucks.com was created to help people broadcast their hatred and frustration about a product they had enough faith in to buy and got totally ripped off by. Clearwiresucks.com is not a website where one guy is angry and just venting his frustrations; Clearwiresucks.com is filled with various ex-Clear customers from all over the U.S. that all know one truth – Clear internet sucks.

If you’re on the lookout for other ways to avoid getting ripped off, check out 5 Reasons You Were Better Off Buying a Computer 10 Years Ago Instead of Today, Price Isn’t the Only Feature of Your New Laptop, and How Customers Lose Money when Saving on a New Computer.