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5 Easy Ways to Use Makeup to Achieve Stunning Eyes

Eye Make Up, Eye Makeup Tips, Eyelash Curler, Make Up Tips, Raggedy Ann

Do you want to make the most of your eyes? To me, if your eyes are accentuated and your hair looks good, you will look your best and feel good about yourself.

My five favorite yet simple eye makeup tips are listed below. Don’t leave home without them!

1) My number one eye makeup tip is to use mascara. I like to use Avon’s Astonishing Lengths black mascara as I am a brunette. This mascara really thickens up your eye lashes. It makes them appear very long, too. To this day I have not found a better mascara. Avon’s Astonishing Length’s mascara is $6.00 a tube but you may get it on sale from Avon from time to time at two mascara tubes for six dollars. Astonishing Lengths mascara comes in brown also.

Apply the black mascara on all of the top lashes. Be sure to get the inner eyelashes as that will really open up your eyes. I apply the mascara on the outer crease of my eyelashes, too. That opens up the eye also. Then I apply the mascara on about one-eighth of my bottom outer corner eyelashes. I do not go heavy on my bottom lashes as I do not want to appear like Raggedy Ann!

2) My next favorite eye make-up tip is to let the mascara dry. Then use an eye lash curler. I heard a famous make-up artist say the eyelash curler is one of his main favorite, very important, eye make-up tips. (Yes, I meant HIS!) It really brightens up your eyes.

3) Use eyeliner to bring out the most of your eyes. Lightly underline below your lashes. As a teenager I was taught to use the eyeliner above my eyelashes. That makes the eye stand out if you had no eyeliner on, but if you apply it under the lashes your eyes will be larger and gorgeous! The eyeliner will also bring out the color of your eyes. Again, use brown if you have blue eyes. You want to apply make-up as subtly as possible. If you have blond hair and a light skin tone, do not use black eyeliner. That look is more harsh. Subtle is the key to looking as beautiful as you can.

See also  Make Up Tips for Tweens

4) I like to apply a frosty white eye shadow above my brown eye shadow. Only very subtle in the spring and summer. It will really brightens up your eyes. Try it. You will be amazed!

5) Brow eyeliner. Match up your eyebrows to an eyeliner color. Pluck your eyebrows religiously into a shape that looks nice on your face. Apply an eyebrow liner gently in an upward motion to the eyebrow shape. You will be amazed how professional your make-up looks.

To remove make-up I do not buy anything expensive. My lovely girlfriend and distant relative, Andrea’, was visiting from Germany. She used a cotton ball lightly dipped in Baby Oil. It gently made all of the days make-up disappear.

Here is to making the most of your beautiful eyes! Have fun ladies!