Karla News

5 Cute Ways to Wear Your Hair Up

Curling, Hair Accessories, Hair Spray, Long Hairstyles, Summer Hair Styles

At my job, wearing my hair up is a requirement. At first I hated this. I mean come on, a ponytail? That’s boring. I’m 19. I want to look cute and modern, not outdated and plain. Then I discovered different ways I could put my hair up that were cute, face flattering and fun. Here are the 5 hairstyles I rely on for keeping my look hot, even when I’m at work.

Poof It Up. I love Poofs. I wear one on a daily basis. In fact, I never go out without my hair done up in a super high poof. While they look best when hair is down, they are a super fast way to dress up a messy bun when I am in a rush out the door. I have written another Associated Content tutorial that will teach you exactly how to accomplish this style. That article can be found here: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/2165277/easy_datenight_hairstyle.html?cat=69

Throw in some braids. This style is so cute, you’ll try it once and want to wear it all the time. To do this, measure a one inch section of hair from the very top layer directly above your ears. While you want it to be an inch wide, make sure it’s a thin amount of hair. Braid each of these sections, and then criss cross them over the top of your head, securing them with pins. This should create a sort of headband look. Next, brush the rest of your hair to the side and pin into a messy bun. Spray well with a strong hold hairspray.

Pins and Curls. This is a style that is great when you want to look classy, and it’s a fast and simple one to accomplish. You will need medium sized hot rollers, tons of bobby pins, and mega hold hairspray for this look. First, set all of your hair into the heated rollers and secure them well. Spray a fair amount of hair spray across all of your hair while it is in the rollers. While the rollers are setting, you can do your makeup, get dressed, eat breakfast, or whatever else is part of your morning routine. When the rollers have cooled down, they are done remove them and shake hair. Starting with the curls in the front, loosely pull them to the back of your head, twist into a flat loop against the back of your scalp, and pin in place. Continue working your way through the curls, loosely pulling, twisting flat, and securing. Leave a small piece of hair loose in the front and curl this by hand. Finish with a ton of spray, because it takes a lot to hold this style in place.

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Dress it up. Wear your hair up as usual, but give it a little flair with some super cute accessories. Try some bright colored headbands, or flowers. These are simple to make on your own as well, and can help dress up your hair when its down as well. Check out this guide to making your own hair accessories: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/2165365/easy_doityourself_hair_accessories.html?cat=69

Give it a twist. Twists are fun and versatile. You can do these in a variety of ways with your hair. I like to pull all of my hair back as if I were going to put it in a ponytail, and then twist it tightly all the way up. Once all of the hair is twisted, I pull it against the back of my scalp, and tuck the top underneath the twist. I then secure it tightly under the hair and spray it with mega hold hairspray. It is important to make sure it is pinned under the hair, so that it appears seamless.