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4 Most Dangerous Weight-Loss Techniques

Laxatives, Weight Loss Diets, Weight Loss Techniques

In a nation plagued by epidemic obesity, a high risk of heart disease, and an unrealistic beauty standard, many people are absolutely desperate to find weight-loss solutions that really work. We look for weight-loss options that offer us significant weight loss in just a few days or weeks. Not wanting to accept that real weight loss takes both time and effort, we easily fall into those traps. But many of these “miracle” weight-loss solutions are not just ineffective, but potentially deadly. Here are some of the most dangerous weight-less techniques used today.

Extreme Vegan Diets

As a vegetarian, former vegan, and dedicated animal rights activist, I wholly support veganism as a concept. However, some forms of veganism are so extreme as to be dangerous and deficient. The human body requires vitamin B12, found exclusively in animal products, to survive and thrive. I developed clinical B12 deficiency while eating a vegan diet that included fortified foods, and the deficiency is frighteningly common in people eating a raw vegan diet for weight loss. Of even greater concern is iron deficiency, which is also quite common, especially among the strictest of fruitarians and vegans. If you do choose to pursue a vegan diet, eat iron-fortified foods and take a daily B12 supplement.

Very Strict “Clean” Diets

To many people who are trying to lose weight, ordinary food can begin to look “impure” or “unclean.” This psychological phenomenon leads to orthorexia, a condition marked by obsessive interest in eating a completely clean, healthy or natural diet. People with orthorexia can develop phobic avoidances of all sugar, gluten, fat, soy, meat, preservatives, food coloring, corn syrup, and artificial sweeteners. Although it’s certainly healthy to avoid some of these ingredients entirely and to limit your intake of others, a marked obsession with “clean” dieting is a symptom of mental illness. And, while it can lead to weight loss, it can also transform into fatal anorexia and OCD-like symptoms. Eschew all diets that tout conspiracy-theory-like ideas about “impurities” or poisons in your food. A healthy diet is great, but an obsession of any kind is dangerous.

“Detox” Diets

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Most “detox” diets are designed to completely eliminate all solid matter from your colon. This leads to fast, but temporary weight loss as your body copes with fluid loss and diarrhea. One of the most popular detox diet is the Master Cleanse, which can be fatal and offers no credible benefits for long-term weight loss. Weight loss diets that include fasting and laxatives are very dangerous. It’s important to bear in mind, also, that many stimulant-laxatives, including herbal laxatives such as senna and cascara sagrada, are addictive. The abuse of laxatives for weight loss constitutes a form of bulimia, which is a very serious condition and absolutely not effective as a weight loss aid.

Weight Loss Pills

Weight loss pills are almost never a safe way to lose weight. Most of them are completely ineffective, while others offer only slight benefit. Although they vary tremendously in their safety and efficacy, over-the-counter weight loss products are usually best avoided unless your health care provider specifically recommends them. Some contain very powerful stimulants or laxatives that can lead to serious– if not fatal– consequences. See Mayo Clinic’s website for a review of the relative safety and efficacy of common OTC diet products.

As hard as it may be to accept it, the best way to lose weight remains the same. A balanced minimally processed diet that includes a moderated combination of all food groups– combined with an active lifestyle– will lead to a healthy weight. By pursuing genuinely effective weight loss methods, you can improve your health as well as your weight. If you’re interested in pursuing a specific weight loss technique, get in touch with your physician for advice and guidance.