Karla News

Best Spots for a Romantic Dinner in Los Angeles

St. Valentine’s Day is not the only date on the calendar appropriate for a romantic dinner, but it is very good incentive. While raucous restaurants or hangouts full of regulars may be fun for other days of the year, a quiet hideout might be just the thing for that special dinner for two. Here is ...

Karla News

Beautiful Fragrant Bulb Flowers

If you love fragrant flowers, consider planting fragrant bulb flowers in your yard or garden. Bulb flowers are some of the most fragrant flowers available, and there are many varieties of bulb flowers that are highly fragrant. Who needs air fresheners? Those who plant fragrant bulb flowers near windows can enjoy the sweet smell of ...

Karla News

Car Insurance Terminology

Car insurance terminology is mind boggling to the average consumer. Every time I look at my auto insurance renewal paperwork, my mind glazes over. For the most part, I had to search around high and low searching for definitions of car insurance terminology written in every day English. Here is a list of the most ...

Karla News

The Top 10 Songs by Motley Crue

Motley Crue is undoubtedly one of the most famous and influential rock bands of all time. Two decades later, many fans still love listening to the Crue and I am one of them. Their reign was in the 80’s when the music was all about sex, drugs and rock n’ roll and Motley Cure was ...

Karla News

Sleep Hygiene and Other Tips for a Good Nights Sleep for Children

Monday was always a good day for our daughter. Then, like a stone rolling down the slope, she was just worn out by Thursday. Her problem was not some chronic disease or nutritional deficiency. The culprit was sleep debt and the antidote was sound snoozing. Sleep deprivation plagues most Americans because our lifestyles do not ...

Karla News

Prostate Health and Prostate Massage

Prostate health has leap to the forefront of the public’s awareness recently, spurred on by advertisements for prescription drugs to reduce enlarged prostates. Natural prostate health is the best choice that many men are making today to ensure their health, since natural health is about taking care of your body as a whole. Remember that ...

Karla News

Tips and Strategies for Editing a Research Paper

As I sat in my college dorm room, editing my college research paper on cloning and stem cell research, it occurred to me that I might as well take the time to share my opinions, strategies, tips and ideas for editing a research paper. Many college students, graduate students and high school students have a ...