Karla News

Baylor University’s Most Haunted Places

When one thinks of Baylor University they imagine a bastion of Texas conservatism teeming with a mass of college students. What people do not realize is that Baylor University might just be the most haunted university in the world. So for your enjoyment here is the top five most haunted places at Baylor University 5. ...

Karla News

Top 5 Safest Car Seats for Newborns

When you’re preparing for your newborn, one of the most important things is to make sure you have the safest possible car seat. You have to have a car seat to take your infant home from the hospital. As a parent, you want the best and safest car seat on the market. This article will ...

Karla News

Romantic Dining in Historic St. Joseph, Missouri

In a small city rich with history, romantic dining spots abound. St. Joseph, Missouri on the banks of the Missouri River offers many intimate and unique dining experiences for couples seeking a romantic night out. One of the most romantic spots in the city is Barbosa’s Castillo, a Mexican restaurant housed in a former mansion ...

Karla News

Top 10 Break Up Songs by the Beatles

I have long been a fan of John, Paul, George, and Ringo, and as a toddler I often sang along wildly and naively to such psychedelic gems as “Yellow Submarine” and “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds”(though any die-hard Beatles fan will argue that “Lucy” does not, in fact, spell out LSD). The Beatles’ legacy ...

Job Opportunities as a Master Herbalist

Job Opportunities As A Master Herbalist Alternative medicine is being used by more and more Americans. Why then when the AMA gives alternative medicine such negative reviews are patient visits to alternative medicine doctors increasing not decreasing. The April 15, 1998 Journal of the American Medical Association reported that there are more than 2,000,000 drug ...

Karla News

Little Red Flying Fox Facts

The little red flying fox, pteropus scapulatus, is not related to foxes at all (even the bat-eared fox). They are bats that measure 12.5 to 20 centimeters (125 to 200 millimeters), and weigh about 10 to 21 ounces (280 to 600 grams). They also have a wingspan that measures around 3 to 4 feet from ...

Karla News

Emissions Testing in Tennessee

One of the things that I hated most about moving from Arkansas to Tennessee was changing my car tags. Why? Because I had to take a day off work to complete emissions testing due to Tennessee requirements. After I did a little research on emissions standards in Tennessee, I realized that the emissions testing required ...

Karla News

Did Robin Hood Really Exist?

There are certain myths and legends that just don’t seem to die. Some are mystical and some are rooted in history. Some are fantasy and some may very well be fact. But which is which? What is true and what is myth? We will explore some of these myths and fantasies over the course of ...