How Progesterone Can Help Women Conceive and Prevent Miscarriage

The problem of infertility among women has been increasing dramatically over recent years. Though much of this rise has been attributed to delayed childbearing, other factors such as chemical exposure and reproductive abnormalities also contribute. Many women receive extensive medical treatment and interventions in order to conceive. These treatments vary from simple hormone therapy to ...

Oklahoma’s School of Bartending

Cimarron College in Oklahoma City is one of the best bartending schools in the US. This private vocational school teaches its students everything from how to mix drinks to how to deal with rowdy customers. They have trained thousands of people over the years, building a reputation as a place to find top notch bartenders ...

Karla News

The Operas of Giacomo Puccini

Giacomo Puccini (1858-1924) wrote a wide variety of operas over the course of his lifetime. Today he is regarded as one of the most beloved opera composers, and several of his operas are repeatedly among the most performed worldwide. 1. Le villi, 1884 (The Wraiths) Le villi was originally performed in one act and was ...

Medication for ADD/ADHD: Non-Stimulant Alternatives

The most common and, for awhile, considered the most effective medication type for treating Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is with the use of a stimulant medication. Some of the most common stimulants prescribed for patients today are Ritalin, Adderall and Concerta. While these medications have proven very effective for ...

Karla News

The Best Chinese-Style Cuisine in San Antonio, Texas

One of the most difficult things about moving to San Antonio, Texas from Syracuse, N.Y. a little over two years ago, was having to discover all of the best cuisines that my new city has to offer. In New York, I always knew where to get great food, regardless of cuisine. When I moved to ...

Stained Glass Craft for Kids

No fake stained glass project is ever going to look as good as the real thing. Nothing quite compares to the beauty of a stained glass window. Craft stores sell products now that help you make stained glass windows for your own home but they’re expensive and nearly impossible for a child to do. Kids ...

Houseplants that Bloom All Year Long

Flowers add a tremendous amount of beauty to the home, but unless they come from the garden, keeping fresh cut flowers 365 days a year can be very expensive. The fresh cut flowers available in discount stores are not exactly cheap and they are not always fresh. When flowers from discount stores are too costly, ...

Karla News

Easy Breakfast Casseroles

I really love a hot breakfast. A breakfast that is hot, nutritious, and filling feels like a treat. Often though, people feel that cooking a hot breakfast in the morning is not an option. I am here to tell you that with a little planning the night before, you can have a hot breakfast casserole ...

Karla News

Yoko Ono Sues Singer Lennon Murphy Over Use of the Name ‘Lennon’

Yoko Ono sued the singer-songwriter Lennon Murphy over her use of the name “Lennon.” Ono, who likely would have remained known to only a handful of the cognoscenti of the avant-garde New York art scene of the early 1960s but for her marriage to the late John Lennon, had earlier signed off on the singer’s ...