Karla News

Best Websites to Buy Engagement and Wedding Rings

For a woman her most valued possession is usually her engagement ring and wedding band. Due to the fact that women wear these rings every day of their married life they want something that looks beautiful on their finger and makes a statement. Engagement rings do not have to be huge, some women want small ...

Karla News

A Day in the Life of a Community Corrections Officer

I have to confront people at work on a nightly basis. Generally speaking I will pull the person that I have to confront into my office and confront them in front of another staff member. The reason that I do this is for my own safety since I work with up to 225 residents at ...

Karla News

Ketchup Burger Bar: Offering Healthy Eating Options

Ketchup is located in the trendy Uptown area of Dallas, Texas that is well known for being the heart of the city’s atmosphere. They are popular for transforming America’s favorite meal burgers into a healthier version, which these days everyone is looking for. The only problem with the area is parking there is very little ...

Karla News

Want a Natural Looking Tan Without the Risk of Skin Cancer?

If anyone has used self tanning lotions or even heard of self tanning lotions, I am willing to bet they have also heard horror stories about how these lotions will streak you and turn your skin a nice color of dark orange. A lot times this does prove true, especially when sunless tanners first became ...

Karla News

5 Lesser Known Anthony Hopkins Movies

Anthony Hopkins needs no introductions, I believe most people will agree that he is an excellent actor. Roles he has played are amazing in their variety and depth of performance. Below is my list of five Anthony Hopkins movies that I feel are unduly forgotten or underrated. I will begin with my favorite one, Shadowlands ...

Karla News

Alcohol Tolerance and Alcoholism Prevention

If you go to any AA meeting you are bound to hear someone say that they were born an alcoholic. While it may truly feel like that to the person making that claim, no one is born an alcoholic. At the same time, many believe that because of a strong family history of alcoholism that ...

Karla News

Understanding Web Server Log FIles

What the heck is a “cached hit” and how is this different than a regular hit? Well, they aren’t really different. Both of them constitute a “hit” and “page view.” So, why are they counted differently? Because programers are thorough. A regular hit is activity that must be served up by your server: this takes ...

Karla News

Guide to Men’s Luxury Watches

Watches are probably the most common and popular men’s luxury accessory. A lot of men might not wear any jewelry like bracelets, chains or rings but they probably would wear a watch. Luxury watches are usually made of stainless steel, gold and even platinum. Gold that is used in making luxury watches is usually of ...

Karla News

Unique Tips for Memorizing Foreign Language Vocabulary

Learning a foreign language — particularly as an adult — can be frustrating. Learning the vocabulary is half the battle, which means improving your memory. There are plenty of memory tricks you can use, but repetition is hands-down the most popular method. If you can consistently see, hear and write a word, it will eventually ...

Karla News

Am I Insured to Drive My Friends’ Cars?

Your friends are your lifeline and your support structure, and sometimes you need to lean on one another to accomplish a goal or get out of a jam. In some cases, this means borrowing your friends’ cars. But what about the issue of insurance coverage? Fortunately, if you are wondering if you are insured to ...