How to Live with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM)

When you have Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) it can be a daily struggle. HCM gives you daily reminders that it is there and makes you struggle constantly with things you shouldn’t have. While the average person’s heart beat is in the 60 to 70 beats per minute where someone with HCM will have 90 to 120 ...

Karla News

Sneaked or Snuck?

For the longest time I went about my conversations using the word, snuck, with out ever a thought of whether or not it is in fact the proper word in the English language. Growing up it was all I ever heard. I believe my teachers even used it and I never heard anyone be corrected ...

Karla News

Small Dog Breed Temperament

Small and toy breed dogs are sometimes thought of as yappy and prissy dogs. Truth is like all dog breeds they all have very different personalities. Breed temperament are just general observations about the breed in general. Dogs are all individuals with their own personalities. Nothing can replace spending time with the dog you are ...

Karla News

How to Treat Sunspots

Although the sun’s rays feel warm against the skin and they can create a beautiful tan, the long term effects of sun exposure are not so pretty. Time spent soaking up the sun’s rays can come back to haunt you in the form of wrinkles, skin cancers, skin laxity, and skin discolorations. One form of ...

Karla News

Are Grape Nuts Healthy?

The cereal aisle at most supermarkets are filled with brightly colored cereal boxes in all shapes and sizes – with some healthy selections and some containing more sugar than a candy bar. Still, breakfast cereal is easy to prepare and Americans aren’t willing to give up the convenience of shaking cereal into a bowl and ...

Karla News

The Study of Death in “The Summoning of Everyman”

In the play Everyman, death is personified and treated as an agent of God that goes to visit the plays protagonist, Everyman. The unknown author of the play uses Death as a character to present a very real truth that all people will meet death. Death is an antagonist in the play and represents physical ...

Karla News

Winning the Lottery, Curse or a Blessing?

We all dream of hitting the big one, or wish that we could fall into instant riches by simply choosing the right winning lottery numbers or allowing them to be randomly generated from a computerized lottery machine onto a little piece of paper, but it has often been said that we should be very careful ...

Karla News

The Tarim Mummies of Xinjiang

The Tarim Mummies or the Mummies of Xinjiang are mysterious mummies that were discovered in the foothills of the Tian Shan Mountains in China. What is so mysterious about them is that some of them date back to roughly 4,000 years ago, a time when it was thought that there were no westerners in that ...

What is Esophagitis?

The esophagus is a muscular tube that carries food to the stomach after it has been swallowed. When the esophagus gets irritated and inflamed, the condition is referred to as Esophagitis. If left untreated, the condition may become extremely uncomfortable, and problems with swallowing, ulcers and scarring may result. Sometimes a condition known as Barrett’s ...