How to Can Pears

Canned pears are one of the most commonly purchased canned fruit. Their flavor remains consistent and the texture is true to what the original fruit felt like. I love canned pears and can find many uses for them. Canned pears are delicious alone, with cottage cheese, or even in a yummy baked pear crisp! Pears ...

Karla News

Nintendo Announces Nintendo DS Gold and Metallic Rose Editions

In a press release, Nintendo announces two Nintendo DS bundles, Nintendo DS Gold Edition and Nintendo DS Metallic Rose Edition, that will debut this holiday season. The first Nintendo DS bundle is the Nintendo DS Gold Edition. This bundle composes of a special edition gold-colored Nintendo DS with a Triforce symbol (from the Legend of ...

Karla News

History of the Diamond Engagement Ring

I often wonder how traditions start, their origin, meaning and why they last for as long as some do. The diamond has been one of the most valuable stones throughout history and has had symbolic meaning for quite awhile. The first thing that may come to your mind is engagement, in recent history the diamond ...

Karla News

Gustav Mahler’s Letters to His Wife

He is considered the last great symphonist and even with all his wife Alma’s irritations, including infidelity, Gustav Mahler was particularly annoyed at her packing skills. The failure to have packed a comb, which one expects would have resulted in giving the composer something of a pleasing storm-clouds-raging-in-the-brain look of Beethoven, is quite an issue ...

Karla News

Red Wing Dog Park in Virginia Beach, Virginia

There is nothing I like more than my dog begging to go to bed at night. On these nights I know she is just plain exhausted from a ton of exercise during the day. Walks and jogs are great for getting out all her energy but the thing she loves best is going to the ...