Business Savings Accounts

Business owners usually cannot get the same interest rates as private individuals on a savings account. To still get an attractive rate, they have to go an extra mile. The reason that business savers are at a disadvantage over individuals, is that savers are willing to open an account with a bank when it offers ...

Karla News

Chicco C6 Stroller Review

I purchased the Chicco C6 Stroller for approximately $70 at an online store. The Chicco C6 Stroller is an updated version of the older Chicco Capri, and it’s also sometimes referred to as the Chicco Ct 0.6. I bought this stroller because I wanted something smaller than my travel system and jogging stroller. I was ...

Karla News

Atlanta’s Top 3 Burger Joints

In Atlanta you can go on a quest and find great food anytime of the day, any night of the week. From delicious seafood to Southern BBQ, authentic Mexican delights to trendy Asian specialties. Atlanta is a mix of many different kinds of people, and that means different kinds of food. But if you still ...

Karla News

Giving a Cup to Your Breastfed Baby

Since our culture is so highly dominated by bottle-feeding, it surprises many mothers to find out that many breastfed babies never drink from a bottle at all. Despite common misconceptions, there is no reason for introducing a bottle to a baby at any age. Even if a breastfed baby’s diet must be supplemented with expressed ...

Karla News

Nutritional Value of Honey

Despite its sweet taste, honey is a very healthy food when eaten in moderation. Honey contains carbohydrates, vitamins, amino acids,minerals and antioxidants which are all part of a healthy diet. When making a choice of the healthiest sweeteners and the one that offer the most health benefits, honey is the clear winner. Honey is very ...

Avoiding and Treating Athlete’s Foot

One of the most common conditions for the foot is Athlete’s foot. Athlete’s Foot is a fungus that is easily transferred from person to person. It is very uncomfortable and extremely embarrassing to have. It is best to never contract Athlete’s Foot. However, millions of people do every single day. There are a few techniques ...

Karla News

Best Father’s Day Quotes

“Any man can be a father, but it takes a special person to be a dad” — Unknown “By the time a man realizes that maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who thinks he’s wrong.” — Charles Wadsworth A man’s children and his garden both reflect the amount of weeding done ...

Karla News

Who Can Request a Background Check?

Employers are often the most common users of a background check; however, it is possible for everyday individuals to perform or request a background check. Just about everyone wishes that they knew more about individuals in or around their lives. Have you ever wondered about your neighbor, your daughter’s boyfriend, you children’s teacher, or even ...