Karla News

How King Kong Expresses the Fear of a White Nation

The release of the Peter Jackson-directed remake of King Kong opens the door for an examination of an interesting subtextual reading of the original. Like all great art, the original King Kong is open to a multitude of interpretations; there is no single appropriate reading of the text. (You should hear my Marxist version of ...

Karla News

Top 10 Items for Your Beach Cooler

Going to the beach can be a relaxing, entertaining, and an all around great vacation experience…as long as you bring the cooler. When hunger hits at the beach, it hits hard and you had better be prepared. Don’t be left empty-handed when it comes to food and drinks when you’re seaside. Here are ten food ...

Karla News

A Review of Paranormal Entity (2009)

Paranormal Entity has been referred to as a mockbuster, a term given to films which are released to trail on the success of higher budget releases. In this case, production company The Asylum released Paranormal Entity to ride the wave of excitement caused by Paranormal Activity. Paranormal Activity, which got mixed reviews, was still a ...

Does Ear Candling Work?

For years, I have been a vocal advocate of evidence-based holistic health. I’ve spent much of my career glued to a glowing screen, learning about the safety, efficacy, and contraindications associated with specific practices within alternative medicine. Over the years, I’ve butted heads with my colleagues in the field, many of whom promote practices that ...

Karla News

Biking with Baby – Buckle Up, and Let’s Roll!

Bicycling with a baby or toddler is fun! What a wonderful way to see the world, enjoy a bit of fresh air and sunshine, and get some exercise together! How can this be done safely? First, pick a sturdy bike. Traditional (handlebars-outwards) bikes are excellent for baby seats. These well-balanced bicycles offer super stability and ...

Karla News

Bear Creek Soup Mix

Soup is such a wonderful meal. It is warm and it always hits the spot! I find that it is the perfect quick meal. Even though there are tons of delicious canned soups on the market these days, lots of times I am not in the mood for a canned soup. I want to feel ...

Easily Raise Your Pool’s pH Level

Pool pH is the comfort level of your water. The range for pH is 0-14, 7.0 being neutral. Anything under 6.9 and your water is acidic, anything over 7.1 is considered alkaline. You want to run your pool water pH level between 7.6-7.8, not 7.2. Most pools guys get their info. on how to balance ...

Karla News

The Many Wonders of WD-40

You’ve probably heard of this product. You probably even have at least one aerosol can of it in your house. But, do you know of its wondrous beginning? The “WD” in its name stands for “water displacement”, while the “40” stands for “fortieth attempt.” In 1953, three chemists were working in their lab at the ...