Karla News

How to Play Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata

Oh, no! You’ve been dreading it all week! Today’s the day for your piano lesson; the one your parents insist will make you the life of the party someday. How would you feel if, along with your anxieties about being a disappointment to your family by not really playing well, your piano teacher said, “Today ...

Women’s Strength Training Guide for Maximum Fat Loss

I’m a certified personal trainer and will describe in detail how a woman can use strength training to achieve the greatest amount of fat loss anywhere in her body. In order for strength training to burn maximal fat, strength training must be done very intensely. There is a correlation between intensity and how heavy the ...

Karla News

What to Do If Your Dog is Aggressive

A good pet is not just a pet, they are a member of the family. The idea of ‘just getting rid of them’ does not come easily. Would you get rid of your child when they hit adolescence and begin to rebel? When a dog is aggressive, they can be dangerous. They may growl or ...

Karla News

The Most Authentic 1920s Costume

The 1920s were a great time for fashion: women in short dresses and fringe with strands and strands of beads wearing their short hair in elegant fingerwaves could be seen enjoying jazz at popular speakeasys. It was a time when the liberation of fashion paralleled the newfound liberation of women, who’d just won the right ...