Karla News

Five Qualities of a Good Nurse

There are many qualities to becoming a good or even a great nurse. Nursing school focuses on developing strong clinical skills but there is much more to being a good nurse than just your clinical skills. You need to have all five of the following qualities in order to be a great nurse to both ...

Pyschoanalysis of Fight Club

I am Jack’s psychoanalysis. I am the journey through the minds and actions of Jack and his alter ego Tyler Durden. Both characters exhibit psychoanalytic themes described by Sigmund Freud. The theories of Freud date back to the early twentieth century, yet are still used today. In the film, Fight Club, the main character, “Jack” ...

Karla News

Cheap Wire Baskets You Can Make Yourself

Baskets tend to be expensive whether they’re Easter baskets or household baskets. They’re so handy, though, that most homes have several. Since they come in varieties from wicker to wire and small to large, each individual one can be very unique – especially if you make them yourself. When you start with metal rings it’s ...

Karla News

10 Cleveland Museums to Visit for Free

The museums in Cleveland pack a pretty hefty intellectual punch. Big or small, they show the public a wide range of wonders: from nature to history, from classic art to modern music. A dedicated art lover, science fan or history buff could easily go broke visiting all of them. But there are museums in the ...

Karla News

Ways to Get Hulu to Your TV

Hulu is quickly becoming one of the Internet’s most popular and profitable video sites, as it’s one of the only sites supported by multiple major television and movie studios that legally offers the ability to stream high definition content to computers, with only a few commercials per hour of programming breaking up the shows. For ...