Karla News

All About the Breed: Bloodhound

Also known as the Flemish Hound, the Bloodhound is an affectionate and gentle breed. But how do you know whether you are ready to purchase a pet and if this breed is right for you? This information is absolutely necessary in making the decision to purchase a pet. History The origin of the Bloodhound can ...

Karla News

Raising Convict Cichlids

Raising Convict Cichlids is a fun and rewarding hobby. Convicts are a type of South American Cichlid also known as Archocentrus nigrofasciatus. They are distant relatives of piranhas! You may know of a closer aquarium cousin called the Oscar. Convicts grow to be several inches long, and as adults they look something like a zebra. ...

Karla News

Evening Primrose for Menopause

Evening primrose is a common roadside wildflower which grows all over the United States. The oil from the seeds has been used as a natural medicinal agent for conditions such as stomach aches, respiratory infections and many other ailments. It is high in essential fatty acids such as gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) and may be of ...

Karla News

Vitamin D Sources, Food and Sunlight

Vitamin D is a nutrient needed by the body which is found in a few common foods including fish and most dairy products. Vitamin D is different from other vitamins in that it can be made by the body, however, this process requires direct and intense sunlight and so in many parts of the world, ...