Karla News

What You Should Know: Risks of Labor Induction

This article is part of my series on pregnancy. For more on pregnancy, see the articles on my content producer page. Also see my articles on homebirth. As you approach the end of your pregnancy, your doctor may recommend labor induction. Most doctors don’t sit and explain the risks of such a common procedure adequately ...

Karla News

Necessities for an In-Home Art Studio

For an artist, it is hard to create outside of a conducive environment. For creativity to flow, you need you need a place especially set aside to work. A home art studio is a great solution. You can create an in-home art studio with just a few major components necessary to keep the creative juices ...

Karla News

How to Breed Fancy Guppies

Asking an aquarium owner how to breed fancy guppies is a bit like asking one how to keep the fish wet. As long as you have a male and a female fancy guppy in your tank, breeding will take place. But, if the goal is to breed fancy guppies to get viable, attracitve, or even ...

Karla News

The Best Modular Home Companies For 2008

Manufactured homes have been around for ages, but the modular movement has brought a new wave of options to house hunters all over the country. Modular homes come in a variety of customized floor plans and offer plenty of options. They look nearly identical to stick-built homes, but come with a cheaper price tag which ...

Karla News

Try My Top 5 Inexpensive Red Wine Picks

As Robert Louis Stevenson said, “Wine is bottled poetry”. Inhabitants of nations all over the world enjoy wine. After all, it’s as old as the Bible. Many people use it as part of their cultural or religious customs. Growing up Italian, it seemed that wine always played a significant part in our family traditions. Today, ...

Karla News

Best 6 Movies Starring Brad Pitt

I remember first seeing Brad Pitt in the 1991 movie Thelma and Louise and thinking, oh my gosh – who cloned Robert Redford? Brad Pitt actually got his lucky break on this movie because William Baldwin was the first choice to play J.D., but Baldwin left to shoot Backdraft. The first full-length movie starring Brad ...

Karla News

Tea is a Natural Immune System Booster

As winter time approaches and the concerns over the H1N1 virus become more prevalent everyone is looking for ways to naturally boost their immune systems so they stand a better chance of not contracting virus’s and bacterial infections. Tea has long been believed to boost the immune system. It appears that tea contains alkylamines. Germs ...

Karla News

How to Care for and Wash Feather Pillows

Feather and down from geese or ducks are the premiere choice for bed pillows stuffed with feathers. The best quality feather filled bed pillows are said to last 15 years or more if cared for properly. Having purchased two queen size goose feather and down pillows at $80 each, I was determined to take good ...

Karla News

Profiles of Faith: Kathryn Kuhlman

Although she is not often referred to today, Kathryn Kuhlman’s faith healing ministry tremendously impacted a new generation of Pentecostal preachers who followed in her footsteps to form their own healing ministries. To her supporters, she was an inspiration, while her detractors ridiculed her and accused her of being a “cult leader” and a charlatan. ...

Karla News

The 1984 US Olympic Boxing Team

The 1984 Los Angeles Olympics was one of the historic events forming the background of world affairs in the 1980s. Taking place prior to the Soviet thaw under Gorbachev, it was boycotted by the Communist bloc in retaliation for the US-led boycott of the 1980 Moscow Games. Set in the center of the Reagan Years ...