Karla News

Summer 2011: Hot Rap and R&B; Album Releases

Summer is here and hotter than ever! There will be lots of traveling and parties to go to, so let me inform you of some of the hottest rap and R&B; albums that will be released this summer, 2011. I know you can’t wait to find out what artists will be dropping albums this summer, ...

Karla News

Blue Mountain and Hallmark E-Card Comparison

It seems like everything is being done electronically now…even sending our thoughts to loved ones. The ease of sending online greetings is appealing to many people in this harried world we live in today. With so many people having email service at work and at home, it makes it much easier to stay in touch ...

Karla News

Helpful Tips for Using an Electric Rice Cooker

If you’re one of those cooks who prefer to use an electric rice cooker instead of the traditional pan cooking method, then you know how fluffy and perfectly done your rice always is. Here are some helpful tips for using an electric rice cooker that can help make your cooking experiences even better! First, if ...

Karla News

Democratic Systems of Government

The system of government is a large and very significant topic that is being discussed among politicians and people. We all know that the systems of government can be classified in two big categories: the democratic systems of government and the non-democratic systems of government. The democratic systems of government are first of all based ...

Karla News

Planting Knock Out Roses for Fall Gardens

Knock Out Roses are beautiful roses that continually bloom from spring until frost. Knock Out Roses are disease resistant and easy to grow in most parts of the country. Warning: Propagating a Knock Out Rose is illegal because it’s patented. When shopping a nursery for roses, look for words such as PPAF (Plant Patent Applied ...

Karla News

Deaf History: Native American Sign Language

Native Americans account for the highest known rates of Deaf individuals within their population. It is believed that as many as 15 in 650 Native Americans are severe to profoundly Deaf. This is more than two times the national average. Native Americans are more than three times as likely to be hospitalized for problems relating ...

Karla News

Fun Facts About Butterball Turkeys

When it comes to turkey, there is no brand like Butterball. For over 50 years, people have come to love this brand more than any other. Whether it’s the high quality products they provide or their above and beyond customer service, or a combination of both, is uncertain. But, what is for certain is some ...

Karla News

Activities for Elderly People

Spending time with elderly people can improve their mood as well as their health. This is why it’s important to interact with them as much as possible by doing activities they enjoy. Since it can sometimes be difficult to think of things to do with older people, especially when they haven’t been involved in activities ...

Karla News

5 Healthy Snacks for Dogs

If you want to provide a healthy snack for your dog in between meals or for training purposes, there are some great options that will taste good and provide a nutritious reward. There are so many options that are inexpensive and may even be currently available in your home. Here is an overview of 5 ...

Karla News

Fourth of July Celebrations in Western Washington

Everyone loves a parade and fireworks! July 4th parades and fireworks hit our patriotic side with the marching bands and other hoopla. Washington State’s West Sound area has a variety of parades to offer. If you live in the Seattle area, simply hop on a ferry and come over here to have some fun! Here ...