Karla News

Homemade Coupons for Everyone

You can make homemade coupons for everyone on your list. This article includes homemade coupon ideas for several different gift recipients. To make these homemade coupons all you need to do is type up the message in a word processing program and add a clip art image to make the homemade coupon even more special. ...

Karla News

What is Root Canal Treatment?

Root canal treatment (RCT) is the mode of care that is provided to get you out of pain and to get the infection under control. The situations that warrant such treatment are a) dental abscess, and b) exposure of the pulp (nerve and blood vessels). RCT is also called the endodontic treatment because it is ...

Karla News

White Slavery in America

If you are a white American who can trace their family tree back to any point in the 17th century, you may or may not want to read this article. An indentured servant was typically a young, unskilled laborer who came to America under contract to work for an employer for a fixed period of ...

Cause of Bulimia Nervosa

Bulimia is one of the most rapidly increasing psychological problems around nowadays. But what causes bulimia? Is it an extreme response to Western society’s pressure on young girls and women to be slim? Or are there other factors contributing to the problem? Can we influence these factors and change their effects on people? Genetic, environmental, ...

Karla News

1962 Chevrolet Bel Air… My First Car

When I was 16, I didn’t have a lot of money. I was still in high school and I had a part time job. I wanted a car really bad. My friend’s dad had a busted up old 4 door 1962 Chevrolet Bel Air that was just sitting down in the woods behind their house. ...

Karla News

Eviction: How to Do it Without an Attorney

I successfully evicted a tenant recently. If you’re in Chicago, let me give you some information about what I did and how you can attempt to do it yourself if you want to save lawyer expenses. First, a disclaimer. I am an attorney, but this post is for information purposes only. Consult a qualified attorney ...

Karla News

The Amazing Health Benefits of Chaga

When people get sick they turn to doctors for prescription antibiotics to make them better instead of turning to natural medicine provided by the earth. One of the earth’s most potent natural medicines is Chaga. Chaga is a mushroom that contains medicinal properties in it that can help strengthen and heal the body naturally. Appearance, ...

Karla News

Dogs of the Homeless in the UK

In the United Kingdom, there is a common misconception that homeless people only have dogs in order to solicit more money while begging. After living as a homeless person for over five years in the UK, this writer knows otherwise. Although there are a few unscrupulous homeless people that do not take proper care of ...

How to Build a Deck: Composite Vs. Wood

Building a deck is a great way to expand the size and add to the value of your home. It’s a great place for barbequing, sunbathing or just relaxing after a hard days work. There are many different designs and uses for a deck but the question always comes up when you’re designing your deck; ...