Men’s and Women’s Stereotypes in Magazines

Magazines are everywhere. They are proudly displayed in bookstores, gas stations, minimarts, and the most memorable place, the check out at grocery stores. They have always been one of the most influential forms of journalism, resonably withstanding even the pressures and easy access to Internet journalism. Magazines are full of useful information and juicy gossips, ...

Karla News

The Execution of Saddam Hussein Abd Al-Majid Al-Tikriti

On the eve of Saddam Hussein’s execution, hanging by death, there has been jubilation from the many oppressed people of Tikrit, and yet there are many staunch supporters of the past dictatorship that still hang its bloody head over Iraq. In death he might become the martyr that is dreaded by the ongoing violence and ...

Karla News

The Journey of the Steamship Arabia from River Channel to Museum

On September 5th, 1856, The Steamship Arabia hit a snag in the river and sunk. In those days Steamboat sinking’s were an occasional occurrence. From a period between 1830 and 1895, about 200 vessels sank in the Missouri or Mississippi Rivers. What makes the story of the Arabia unique is that it was discovered with ...

Karla News

DIY Vinyl Floor Installation

Vinyl flooring is a covering generally applied to high-traffic areas such as a kitchen, bathroom or entryway. The choices for the vinyl flooring are vast as it comes in a variety of colors, styles, textures and patterns. Choosing which design you want to cover your floor will be the biggest problem. Installing vinyl flooring is ...

Karla News

Déjà Vu: Movie Review

Greetings and Salutations! This is Michael Wyatt, that same movie reviewer you keep reading over and over again. Or maybe you just get a feeling that you’ve read me before. You know… that feeling you can only describe in French? You know the feeling. You might think you recognize someone you’ve never met or feel ...

Karla News

Abraham Lincoln Before His Presidency

In 1837, Lincoln moved to Springfield and began to practice law. He was re-elected four times as representative to the Board of Illinois. He then aspired to become representative of the Illinois House of Representatives in Washington. He was elected in 1846 and sits to the end of 1847. In Washington, he opposed the war ...

Karla News

Ten Tips for Getting a Seasonal Job

A seasonal job can be a great way to earn some extra cash, score a discount at your favorite retailer or add some experience to your resume. Here are 10 tips for getting a seasonal job. 1. Be Professional. Competition is intense for seasonal jobs, so treat applying for seasonal work just as you would ...

Karla News

Protein Pudding Recipes

After my gastric bypass surgery last year, I was advised to increase my protein intake to 60 – 80 grams per day. It can be hard to get that much protein, especially when you just had gastric bypass surgery and can’t eat very much at one time. Many people use protein shakes after a gastric ...

Karla News

Week Night Dinner Idea’s for Busy Families

Monday nights at my house are always hectic with the kids running in three different directions. My partner bowls, I scrapbook, Peyton has karate class, Allie has dance, and we have to drop the baby, Andrew with grandma for the evening. So, what do we have for dinner? Usually a salad of some sort. To ...